Bumble on chicken's stomach ???


Apr 11, 2022
Fruit Cove/St Augustine FL
Hen is approx 4-5 years old.
Breed unknown
I obtained her ~ 2 weeks ago
I picked her up today for some cuddles and felt something hard. I flipped her over and saw this.
Is it possible for a chicken to get bumble on there stomachs?



Could have been caused by the roost bar. This is the quote from a link where someone had the same type of issue. The link to that feed is after the quote.

It looks like it may be a breast blister, that is like bumblefoot, but on the breast/keel. It can happen when they rest their keel on the roosts rather than carrying the weight on their legs. Heavy birds do this, or birds that have foot or leg issues like bumblefoot that make it harder to roost. You can clean it out yourself, if you are not comfortable doing it, then yes a vet visit would be best. I'll attach a couple of links. If she's otherwise healthy, and just roosts this way, then wrapping the roost with something soft may help (make sure it's nothing that can be pecked and eaten).

Thank you @MarlaMac , I'll take a look at the articles. She has a limp, but the previous owner said she thought it was because of having too many roosters, and this hen was the favorite (her back is bald, but she is getting new pin feathers now). She doesn't roost in my coop, and I don't know if she was still roosting at the previous owner's coop. It was her favorite hen, and she gave it to me so she wouldn't get harassed by the roos she can't find homes for.
Thank you @MarlaMac , I'll take a look at the articles. She has a limp, but the previous owner said she thought it was because of having too many roosters, and this hen was the favorite (her back is bald, but she is getting new pin feathers now). She doesn't roost in my coop, and I don't know if she was still roosting at the previous owner's coop. It was her favorite hen, and she gave it to me so she wouldn't get harassed by the roos she can't find homes for.
I hope you find all the answers.

Epsom salts baths will go a long way to loosening the hard scab material. Keep it soft with plain (no pain killer) triple antibiotic ointment until it heals.

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