Chicken off balance - worried it’s neurological

Riverbend Farms

Apr 21, 2022
I have an Easter eager right now who seems to have trouble walking. She is going through a pretty heavy molt and is losing a lot of body feathers including her tail. She can eat and drink well, her eyes and nares are good, her crop was flat this morning and has normal poop. She can walk perfectly fine in a straight line but can’t seem to balance properly when she’s trying to turn around or walk at an angle, I have a video here of it;
Im hoping it’s something as simple as a vitamin deficiency but please tell me as what you think it may be
I believe it is a vitamin deficiency. When going through molts they lose a lot of body mass and vitamins as it all goes into their feathers. My girl had a similar issue when she was molting, but I put some electrolytes in the flocks water and after a bit she got better.
I did put vitamins and electrolytes into their water, I hope it will work. I also heard pin feathers can cause them to be uncomfortable and walk oddly. Thank you very much for the suggestion.
Give 400i.u vitamin E capsule and about a third of a B complex tablet every day for a few weeks. These can be bought in the vitamin section at the grocery store, any brand.

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