crows a pest or a predator

Here you go:

I have lots of crows and ravens. I like it when they're hanging around close by. Like yesterday. It was evening and I heard a big ruckus in the trees a hundred yards from my coops. The chickens seemed to understand that something was taking place that might have a connection to them. They were reacting to the screeching of crows as we would react to a sudden loud noise by ducking.

I went out to where I could get a good look at the unfolding drama, and saw a huge red tail hawk sitting on an upper branch of a tall pine. Crows were swooping in at it, and it flew away with the crows dogging it. This continued long after the birds were out of sight. It sounded like the crows had managed to drive the hawk well out of the area.

Crows and ravens eat mostly dead things, but will nab a baby chick if they see the opportunity. Their favorite food besides carrion is bird eggs of all species. They present no danger to adult chickens.

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