Family friendly rooster breed???

I agree, but, most times it is easier to buy a young rooster, and give them a lot of attention and interaction with you, this is how I made my once mean rooster one of my bests!

Unfortunately, that is not always going to work out for you the way it did with Titan. If he is programmed to be human aggressive, handling him won't change him at all. He'll just be more comfortable with you and when the hormones start flowing, he's more likely to attack you. The forum is full of folks who wonder what happened to their "baby boy" when he hit that mating age.
Beings we get to throw out suggestions for friendly roosters.

I suggest Speckled Sussex.. Mine is even named Cuddles..

I know any rooster can turn, but Cuddles is by far the sweetest I have ever had,
will you be using the rooster for breeding, or to keep the girls company and a yard ornament?
what kind of hens do you have?
do they freerange always, and have a secure place to roost at night, or in a box 24/7? I'm guessing something in between

I have American Games. in my mind, they are the best thing going. however, they are not for everyone, and would not likely be lap chickens.
will you be using the rooster for breeding, or to keep the girls company and a yard ornament?
what kind of hens do you have?
do they freerange always, and have a secure place to roost at night, or in a box 24/7? I'm guessing something in between

I have American Games. in my mind, they are the best thing going. however, they are not for everyone, and would not likely be lap chickens.

It appears we all have our favs..... I am guessing it is as much how they are raised as anything else...Except with the Speckled Sussex which are great right out of the box..
Well I'm not an expert but I do have a Buff O, Maynard, who is smart, friendly, protective of his girls and a kick to watch. All the personality in the world. When they were chicks and I didn't know he was a rooster, he was the one jumping on the feeder for chin rubs. Now he is the first one to run up to me. A Rooster with a purpose and when my cat snuck into the pen with me he immediately ran over, herded the cat in the corner and gave her what for and a good tail pecking. Not too aggressive, just letting her know who was boss type of thing. No cat is getting anywhere near his flock!

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