Ash checking in on the broodies
Yep they're fine.
Then she stood in the middle of the coop and "brawwcawcaww" as loud as she could, stopped to consider the acoustics, then came back out satisfied.
Polish baby
Other polish baby
The grey one is cuckoo?
Full crop squishing on my finger oops
This one did not relax
I hope it's barred :3
This one settled and relaxed into my hand
Such a cutie, I wonder what color you will be?
That introduction went really, really well! It made me think of a Rooster 'intro'. Aurora bent low with her head and eye-balled/imprinted with each chick right away, then started doing normal chicken things with the group! I have to say, Aurora is a much better leader than I ever thought she would be prior to taking on that role. She may be stern, but she has proven time and time again that she is, indeed, a wise ruler!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Oh, the hearts are for Lady F, Glynda, and, of course, the adorable littles as well as Aurora....but, being Queen, she can keep or dole out the love as she sees fit!😆
Aurora has exceeded all my expectations as Queen. She is the perfect hen to lead this tribe. Yup, she did not like Phyllis and she keeps Hattie in her place but otherwise she does a fabulous job.

And she loves littles. She just doesn't want to raise them.
View attachment 3890200
Ash checking in on the broodies
View attachment 3890201
Yep they're fine.
Then she stood in the middle of the coop and "brawwcawcaww" as loud as she could, stopped to consider the acoustics, then came back out satisfied.
View attachment 3890202
Polish baby
View attachment 3890204
Other polish baby
The grey one is cuckoo?
View attachment 3890209
Full crop squishing on my finger oops
View attachment 3890210
This one did not relax
View attachment 3890211
I hope it's barred :3
View attachment 3890212
This one settled and relaxed into my hand
View attachment 3890214
Such a cutie, I wonder what color you will be?
Gosh they adorable aren’t they? 😊♥️
School chicks

Hatched 01 June 2024
They are now 6 weeks old

Hard to get a photo they are always on the go!

Georgie girl


Clyde who is all black is bigger than Georgie who has that grizzled reddish neck feathers.

I had thought that Clyde would be a frizzle but seems she isn’t. So who’s baby is she? Who knows.

Please be girls!
Anybody know how long a 2 inch thick tri-tip beef steak takes to bbq?
About 1 min. total less than the time it takes to be BBQ'd and eaten by me?

Or: let me try a corner/end and see if it is done. Hmm, nope, not quite - I'll need to try another piece in 30 seconds to check the progress....


Here are some pics (belatedly) showing pullet 'curved' tail feathers versus Roo 'flag' feathers. BTW, these are all youngsters - no adults!


Young pullet - these two images are the same girl as the first photo. Note the nice little curve of the 2 longest tail feathers. Definitely 'pullet' curved feathers. (note, different breeds, and even different chickens within a breed will have/not have the couple of curved feathers - and some will barely have a perceptible curve, others are more pronounced as in this girl's case.

Note with these 2 picture, the longest tail feathers start the curve much closer to the feather base, are more irridescent (part is due to breed/coloring, part is due to being a Roo), and the general 'drapiness' of the feathers in the roo near the tailhead/near the base of the tail, versus them just 'parting but not draping' on the hen posted at the beginning above.

I hope this helps in spotting pullet versus cockerel when looking at tail feathering! I thought I had some pics of a DC pullet to help you compare, but they all came out blurry, so weren't very helpful. :(

BTW: sometimes I can tell first by comb/wattles, sometimes I can tell first by tail feathering. Generally speaking, hackle feathering is last for me in 'sexing'. Note that comb/wattle development varies DRASTICALLY by breed, so being aware of how each breed develops is important for that (i.e., DC tend to have very small combs - especially the girls, and neither develop combs early - hence tail/tailhead featherng. BUT. Marans tend to develop combs early - and boys especially so. So, when comparing comb/wattle development to determine sex, need to compare within breed, not across breeds. (I hope what I just said makes sense to you - it did to me, but sometimes I don't translate well!:confused:)

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