Ask Aurora
Today's question comes from @RoyalChick Bernadette.

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And she asks.....

Dear Aurora,
I am a huge fan and have followed all the advice you have given me before. I also study all your writings and responses to others so I can continue to learn from you.

This has all been a great help to me and I have risen to become the undisputed leader of my small tribe.
I remember your teachings about bringing new chicks into the group and so I was excited when my servant deposited 5 small fluff balls into the Chicken Palace. Oh boy do they make a lot of noise going peep-peep-peep all the time! And I have to watch my step as I could very easily squash one - I will admit I have outsized feet - but they are also ridiculously small. So in practical terms it is all a bit trying.

But I am OK with all that because, as you have taught me, they will increase the number of chickens I will get to boss around and that makes me happy.

However, here is my issue, and I feel more than a bit foolish admitting this, but I am a bit nervous around them.

There are so many of them, and they are so fast! Only this morning all five of them (did I mention there are FIVE?!) flew from the roost right at my head. I confess that I ducked and moved to one side rather than be hit five times (FIVE times!). And then when I went to teach them some respect they all took off in different directions so I didn't land a hit on any of them.

Fortunately I don't think either Eli or Babs saw this humiliating event, and my servant is of course completely loyal, so word will not spread. But still, I need to figure how to stop this nonsense ever happening again.

Any suggestions would be most welcome. I am including a picture of them, and yes, I know they look very cute and all that, but when they all fly at your head it is quite scary!

I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Respectfully yours,

Dear Bernadette,
I am pleased that you were able to follow my suggestions and achieve the lofty status which you so richly deserve. Welcome to the ranks of leaders. Always remember though, as William Shakespeare said, “Heavy is the head that wears the crown”. Of course, crowns are physically heavy but that is not what olde Billy was referring to. In this case, it is a mighty responsibility which you have accepted. Of course, no one else is capable of doing it correctly, so good for you. You have stepped up and are ready to utilize your superior intellect and wisdom to guide your tribe. It is for their own good that you have assumed this mantle. Be certain to avail yourself of all the benefits to which you are entitled.

I mention this because during the hectic day of telling everyone where to go, when to preen, when and where to dust bathe, etc., it is easy to forget of the benefits to which we are due. Things like:
  1. The best roosting spot
  2. The best dust hole
  3. The choicest bits of food
  4. The pleasure of smacking Phyllis around (that is just for me but you should try to find your own Phyllis. It is truly enjoyable to have your own “pecking bag".)
  5. Having someone inform your human servant so you get the treats to which you are due
  6. Having a minion laying your egg for you. (This of course is not true but it would be a real life changer if it were possible)
  7. Having someone else stand sentinel
  8. Perching on the human’s chair and surveying your kingdom

You will note that 5, 6, & 7 are all things that your minions perform at your direction. You are right to point out in your letter that more chickens = more minions to do your bidding and serve you and the rest of the tribe.

Something to remember that can be forgotten, the primary purpose of minions is to work at your direction for the betterment of the tribe. Some Queens have forgotten this and have their minions so busy taking care of them personally that the tribe suffers. This is dangerous and can foment revolution. For an idea of how that can turn out, check up on what happened to Czar Nicholas II of Russia and his family. Not great. Whatever you do, do not have your techie hen google it for you. That could be bad.

More Minions = More Good

Some of my Minions
View attachment 3541529

You have the Minion concept down. What you are running into now is the conundrum that comes with pullets. They are adorable, cute, and the future of your society. However, they are still silly pullets. Most of them think they are real birds and will fly all over the place. Now flying at your head is clearly unacceptable. You have made it known that it is unacceptable by chasing them. You do not have to connect to discipline. Your anger alone is enough for them to get the point. In fact, it can be dangerous to connect in rage. While for example I can go all out and smack Phyllis around in ager without really worrying about hurting her severely, if you lose your temper and impact too hard you could actually hurt pullets pretty badly. So, chase and peck at them but don’t worry if they get away.

There is one thing you do need to remember.

Patience is your friend.

Soon they will be larger and not able to fly nearly as well. Most if not all of them will likely be slower than you. You will be able to connect then when needed.

This is all part of “The Way of the Chicken”. The speed, agility, and flying ability of chicks and pullets is to help them avoid danger. Whether that danger is a peck done in anger which is too hard or a predator does not matter. Eventually they mature and join the ranks of your minions and will then be subject to your firm but needed discipline.

By the way, do not be embarrassed that you ducked when they came at your head. That is a natural chicken response to things coming at our heads. Normally those things are predators. It is essential that you have good instincts and continue to protect yourself. Just imagine the tragedy that would befall your tribe without you leading them. I know that it would be a complete catastrophe for mine. I imagine yours is the same.

One last thing while I am providing advice. You do need to start succession planning if you have not already done so. Someone else needs to have your wisdom. You need to identify someone who, with your guidance, will someday be capable of taking over should anything happen to you. The tribe must go on. This is “The Way of the Chicken”.


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Dear Aurora,
Thank you so very much for your advice. I have read through it several times and absorbed every last piece of wisdom. I even had my servant read to me the whole story of that chap in Russia who thought he was better than everyone else.
As you say, I definitely need to avoid that situation in the Chicken Palace!
I think I am putting your advice into action and indeed it is much easier for me if I don't feel I have to actually make contact. With five of them that was getting quite exhausting.
I try to get some exercise in daily - but I stop short of actually damaging them. I think this video shows that even Piglet has some respect now.
Most of the day however I don't bother with the exercise and I just turn my head in their direction and that is enough. It is quite amusing as there are five of them and they scatter in all directions in a panic.
You talk about succession. Goodness I can't even imagine. I do think that both Piglet and Sylvie will potentially challenge me one day. They are good at flying which concerns me, but they are also still very, very small compared to me so I will not worry about such a thing just yet.
Once again, many thanks for your advice - it always makes me a stronger leader to learn from you.
With respect,
Monday mugs...guess who....

Of course the littles! (They put themselves in these places; I removed them sometimes)
View attachment 3547848Tuff (hopped up in the coop, stayed put while I walked outside: this keeps up, may need to consider rename of Jack or Sparrow or Mr(s) Cotton)

View attachment 3547849Enigma

View attachment 3547850Zulu, Shan, and Enigma's profile

View attachment 3547852Zulu and Tuff

View attachment 3547853ChiaView attachment 3547855Bit of a curious one isn't she (assuming at the moment)

View attachment 3547856"Mama" is warm...Chia, Enigma, and Shan

Havoc is my sun worshipper, so less inclined to pose.
Wow. I think every single photo is precious. Sooo adorable.
Thirsty Thursday

Henny Penny enjoys a good drink of wild water - yummy water used to clean out the wheelbarrow after mucking out 😆

Good vintage


@RoyalChick note her feathered feet, they stay fairly clean and they dry fast.
Well I totally put the wrong video on my last post. This is my possibly broody girl. Does she seem that way to you?

Oh yep that’s the broody song we know and love 😊

Did you find the lost egg? Some silkie (Henny Penny likely) gifted Sophia a nice egg which I removed - no more babies!
She seems annoyed for sure. :confused:

Yup! That "tut tut tut" sound she is making is a classic broody sound. Also the biting! :p

Oh yep that’s the broody song we know and love 😊

Did you find the lost egg? Some silkie (Henny Penny likely) gifted Sophia a nice egg which I removed - no more babies!

Yay! I was hoping she was! I've stockpiled some eggs and will give them to her today, properly marked of course. I've got a sharpie somewhere. It'll be interesting and painful the next three weeks, checking for new eggs. At least we know there will never be more than 2. Eenie won't lay while hatching her chicks, right?

Speaking of eggs, I didn't find one. I guess Sheba took the day off. With Eenie broody, that only left Meanie. So one egg isn't unusual. Sheba seldom takes a day off, so I was surprised.

I think I'll give her 2 of Sheba's brown eggs along with the green/blue ones she and Meanie lay. All my chickens are mutts. I can't wait to see how the babies turn out!

Here's a lovely picture of the mother-to-be.
Yay! I was hoping she was! I've stockpiled some eggs and will give them to her today, properly marked of course. I've got a sharpie somewhere. It'll be interesting and painful the next three weeks, checking for new eggs. At least we know there will never be more than 2. Eenie won't lay while hatching her chicks, right?

Speaking of eggs, I didn't find one. I guess Sheba took the day off. With Eenie broody, that only left Meanie. So one egg isn't unusual. Sheba seldom takes a day off, so I was surprised.

I think I'll give her 2 of Sheba's brown eggs along with the green/blue ones she and Meanie lay. All my chickens are mutts. I can't wait to see how the babies turn out!

Here's a lovely picture of the mother-to-be.
View attachment 3551741
I know absolutely nothing about this but would pencil be better than Sharpie? I am just thinking of the Sharpie chemicals being absorbed into the egg.

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