Forgot to get pics. Looks like 4/7 of Samara and Morinth's babies are boys. So it's a good thing I'll be adding 3 more hens later this fall.
Here's a pic from last week.
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Trickster has been courting Shiba-san and Nyx, neither girl is really into it yet but hey, they're at least closer to his size!

The lady hasn't responded about meeting up to take Disco. I hope she does, I would much rather he go to a home versus in my crockpot.
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Morinth is thinking of weaning the chicks. She is returning to normal sounds, and joined the feeding frenzy when I brought out eggshells for everyone. I think her molt is finishing as well, she is looking sleek and pretty. I'll enjoy her minty green eggs.

Other than that, my brain doctor and I were talking about "grounding" today, with all of the electronics and busy-ness of life it's important to go touch dirt, sit in nature if possible, garden, whatever. I told him how I go talk to my chickens when I get a chance, and how hubby thought it was annoying at first (because kiddo gets hyper a bit before bed and won't let him play video games haha) but now he understands that it's the biggest break I get from worrying about anything in the house. <3 I think him taking a week off showed him just how busy the house is in the first half of the day.
Those chicks sure have come along nicely! Isn’t it always amazing how fast they grow?

Well I sure hope the lady does call back, he is a very pretty cockerel.
You’re moving pretty fast yourself! :lau:gig
Yep the wonder of modern meds hahaha. Between me and the older chooks and my poor old horses we are all taking something for our arthritis and whatnot.

Ruth needs he nails on her bad foot trimmed though, with her not using that foot for digging around all summer the nails have grown too long.

Always something with these animals, nails with the chickies, hooves with the horses, and burrs in the cat’s fuzzy coat. Keeps life interesting that’s for sure!
Well, take frog's legs off tonight's menu!
I caught Fluffy eating a snake when she was about 7 months old!

And I laugh watching them all hang out around any location a mouse hides, waiting for it to emerge so they can catch it and gobble it up.

Glad they aren’t 6’ tall!
Yep the wonder of modern meds hahaha. Between me and the older chooks and my poor old horses we are all taking something for our arthritis and whatnot.

Ruth needs he nails on her bad foot trimmed though, with her not using that foot for digging around all summer the nails have grown too long.

Always something with these animals, nails with the chickies, hooves with the horses, and burrs in the cat’s fuzzy coat. Keeps life interesting that’s for sure!
Speed kills my dear! 👮‍♂️
Speed kills my dear! 👮‍♂️
Family Guy Stairs GIF
So when are you getting a pony? If you were closer I’d send you Lulu 😊
The day I hear I am getting a niece or nephew I am building a pony pen. In all seriousness though. Sis is ready, she has been for a year or longer. Right now they are enjoying life. They both work hard at the hospital. I have to go babysit cats starting Thursday. They are going on a cruise in Mexico. Last year they went on a cruise to Turks and Caicos. Sis finally got off night shift 2 months ago and put on days. She did not want a baby while she was still stuck working 6pm to 6am. I've already informed her when the time comes she does not have to worry about childcare. As soon as maternity leave is over it is mine while she is at work.

I was blessed to be able to have Rosie. Me and her both almost did not make it through my pregnancy and I would have loved to have had a 2nd one but it was not in the cards. Now my siblings have one job, give me nieces and nephews. Anytime now people, my baby is growing up. I'm giving Rosie until she hits 30. Time to finish school and live life a little bit. Then little girl, grandbabies.....I want grandbabies.
It’s like this: the chooks are all in the coop except for Dakota, she insists that I have her inside tonight. Nobody can resist a hen, who jumped on my shoulder as I headed to the house. She cleaned up CeeCee’s mess, and spoke with me for a while. I share my thoughts with her, but I think I scared her. (My deepest feelings would frighten anyone!)

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