She said “momma, you’re not gonna get my frog! Go away!”
I wasn’t sure at first what it was! Didn’t want her eating something she shouldn’t, a frog is ok though.

She sure can move for a big girl, and her foot is doing well, she is hardly limping today at all.
Forgot to get pics. Looks like 4/7 of Samara and Morinth's babies are boys. So it's a good thing I'll be adding 3 more hens later this fall.
Here's a pic from last week.
Trickster has been courting Shiba-san and Nyx, neither girl is really into it yet but hey, they're at least closer to his size!

The lady hasn't responded about meeting up to take Disco. I hope she does, I would much rather he go to a home versus in my crockpot.
Morinth is thinking of weaning the chicks. She is returning to normal sounds, and joined the feeding frenzy when I brought out eggshells for everyone. I think her molt is finishing as well, she is looking sleek and pretty. I'll enjoy her minty green eggs.

Other than that, my brain doctor and I were talking about "grounding" today, with all of the electronics and busy-ness of life it's important to go touch dirt, sit in nature if possible, garden, whatever. I told him how I go talk to my chickens when I get a chance, and how hubby thought it was annoying at first (because kiddo gets hyper a bit before bed and won't let him play video games haha) but now he understands that it's the biggest break I get from worrying about anything in the house. <3 I think him taking a week off showed him just how busy the house is in the first half of the day.
Forgot to get pics. Looks like 4/7 of Samara and Morinth's babies are boys. So it's a good thing I'll be adding 3 more hens later this fall.
Here's a pic from last week.
View attachment 3946085
Trickster has been courting Shiba-san and Nyx, neither girl is really into it yet but hey, they're at least closer to his size!

The lady hasn't responded about meeting up to take Disco. I hope she does, I would much rather he go to a home versus in my crockpot.
View attachment 3946083
Morinth is thinking of weaning the chicks. She is returning to normal sounds, and joined the feeding frenzy when I brought out eggshells for everyone. I think her molt is finishing as well, she is looking sleek and pretty. I'll enjoy her minty green eggs.

Other than that, my brain doctor and I were talking about "grounding" today, with all of the electronics and busy-ness of life it's important to go touch dirt, sit in nature if possible, garden, whatever. I told him how I go talk to my chickens when I get a chance, and how hubby thought it was annoying at first (because kiddo gets hyper a bit before bed and won't let him play video games haha) but now he understands that it's the biggest break I get from worrying about anything in the house. <3 I think him taking a week off showed him just how busy the house is in the first half of the day.
Can I buy you a copper walking stick? Just promise me that you won’t use it during lightning storms?

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