horrible cockerel

Thaught i would dig this up as im looking through old threads, he did like them in the end. But soon as he warmed to them the light sussex got killed by a stoat but the ancona bantam is still there and she is one of his favouraites
I know you do :( it's so hard losing them... I get so nervous when I have to go away for a night, I try not to, I try to avoid it at all cost, when I come home I am almost in tears afraid something has happened. :/ Hopefully this won't happen to you again. ((hugs))
well it was in novemeber, and after she was killed i got took into hospital and did't see them for about 3 weeks, my uncle was feeding them whilst i was gone and the day after i got out of hospital all i wanted to do was go see them so my mam took me and a i found a black orpington had been killed. Wasn't the nicest welcome home presant for me...

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