If you’ve ever wondered what a Splash Ameraucana rooster mixed w/ a Black Tailed Wheaten Maran hen produces, you might be very surprised..

That rooster is Colombian, too, not splash. Splash is black with two dilution genes, and it produces an irregular pattern of blue splashes over a very pale blue ground color. Blue is black with one dilution gene.

Colombian is a totally separate pattern. McMurray may call that a splash Ameraucana, but it is in fact an Easter egger with the Colombian pattern. True Ameraucanas do not come in Colombian.
Agreed. My response is probably not necessary as so many people have clarified but there isn't a splash bird in sight
These are the remaining 33% that are the unique ones, w/ no variations on leg color or booted or not. All of these calico colored ones have clean yellow legs only.
On my honor, these are the siblings to the previous Splash dominate cockerels/pullets & again, ALL from the same 2 birds originally pic’d.
These are some very beautiful, hearty birds! Some look straight up’Hawkish’ but that’s just mostly the Ameraucana

yeah, that looks nothing like my Splashed Ameraucana..this is a Splash Ameraucana as well.
Silver Colombian Easter Eggers don’t have the muffs that my Ameraucana rooster has.
Here is another Splash Ameraucana from Murray McMurray Hatchery, where we got Raven, our Splash Ameraucana, from for reference.
View attachment 4065779View attachment 4065780

On my honor, these are the siblings to the previous Splash dominate cockerels/pullets & again, ALL from the same 2 birds originally pic’d.
These are some very beautiful, hearty birds! Some look straight up’Hawkish’ but that’s just mostly the Ameraucana

yeah, that looks nothing like my Splashed Ameraucana..this is a Splash Ameraucana as well.
Silver Colombian Easter Eggers don’t have the muffs that my Ameraucana rooster has.
Here is another Splash Ameraucana from Murray McMurray Hatchery, where we got Raven, our Splash Ameraucana, from for reference.
View attachment 4065779View attachment 4065780
These are the remaining 33% that are ‘unique’.
They are ALL the same, no variations in leg color or booted or not. All have light yellow, non-booted legs.
They are all ‘Calico’ colored & have the Ameraucana head.
I’m not trying to make it out like I’ve created a future NPIP breed, just pointing out the diverse outputs from these Black-tailed Wheaten Maran & Ameraucana chickens & find it strange that 66% of the chicks/cockerels/pullets from these 2 breeds repeatedly put out 3 variations, w/ 2 of the varieties varying w/in them yet 33% are practically identical birds, w/ very little variations.

We have since incubated eggs from a different Black-tailed Wheaten Maran hen, from the same breeder, to the same Splash Ameraucana rooster & they are putting out the same % of variations of the same 3 varieties.
We will be breeding these birds, matching up a rooster & hen from the 2 different hens w/ their variety counterpart, matching the dominant Splash trait roo w/ a dominant Splash trait hen, the other ‘Turkey Striped’ Roos w/ Turkey Striped hens & the calico Roos w/ the calico hens & see what happens from there.
I predict that the ‘Unique’ calico colored ones will remain consistent while the other 2 sets will vary as they already are & possibly display other dominate traits from either breed.
As of now, all the varieties, both Roos & hens have predominate Ameracauna features, minus the booted trait.., from beak to tail feathers. As would be expected w/ the rooster being a Splash Ameraucana instead of the other way around..
Has anyone bred a Black-tailed Wheaten Maran rooster to a Splash Ameraucana hen?
If so, please share what your offspring birds look like.

I will come back to this thread & post pics of the 3 varying pairs’ offspring once they are old enough to breed & we can get their eggs incubated.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my thread, even though I meant to post all 3 @ the same time, but wound up falling asleep before I could finish.

To those claiming that the rooster isn’t a Splash Ameraucana, We were sold them from Murray McMurray Hatchery as such & I know w/ 100% certainty that he is definitely an Ameraucana rooster, Splash or not could possibly be considered in this equation.
I also know that even the biggest of the hatcheries out there don’t ALWAYS sell you EXACTLY what they claim, but as stated, I know it’s an Ameraucana rooster..
We have several Ameraucana hens, from varying hatcheries & local breeders as well as the ones we have bred & hatched ourselves & ALL of these varieties shown, strongly display their traits.

*Example of one of the Ameraucana hens that came from Maurry McMaurry Hatchery in the same shipment as the rooster featured will be in a reply to this.


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These are the remaining 33% that are the unique ones, w/ no variations on leg color or booted or not. All of these calico colored ones have clean yellow legs only.

These are the remaining 33% that are ‘unique’.
They are ALL the same, no variations in leg color or booted or not. All have light yellow, non-booted legs.
They are all ‘Calico’ colored & have the Ameraucana head.
I’m not trying to make it out like I’ve created a future NPIP breed, just pointing out the diverse outputs from these Black-tailed Wheaten Maran & Ameraucana chickens & find it strange that 66% of the chicks/cockerels/pullets from these 2 breeds repeatedly put out 3 variations, w/ 2 of the varieties varying w/in them yet 33% are practically identical birds, w/ very little variations.

We have since incubated eggs from a different Black-tailed Wheaten Maran hen, from the same breeder, to the same Splash Ameraucana rooster & they are putting out the same % of variations of the same 3 varieties.
We will be breeding these birds, matching up a rooster & hen from the 2 different hens w/ their variety counterpart, matching the dominant Splash trait roo w/ a dominant Splash trait hen, the other ‘Turkey Striped’ Roos w/ Turkey Striped hens & the calico Roos w/ the calico hens & see what happens from there.
I predict that the ‘Unique’ calico colored ones will remain consistent while the other 2 sets will vary as they already are & possibly display other dominate traits from either breed.
As of now, all the varieties, both Roos & hens have predominate Ameracauna features, minus the booted trait.., from beak to tail feathers. As would be expected w/ the rooster being a Splash Ameraucana instead of the other way around..
Has anyone bred a Black-tailed Wheaten Maran rooster to a Splash Ameraucana hen?
If so, please share what your offspring birds look like.

I will come back to this thread & post pics of the 3 varying pairs’ offspring once they are old enough to breed & we can get their eggs incubated.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my thread, even though I meant to post all 3 @ the same time, but wound up falling asleep before I could finish.

To those claiming that the rooster isn’t a Splash Ameraucana, We were sold them from Murray McMurray Hatchery as such & I know w/ 100% certainty that he is definitely an Ameraucana rooster, Splash or not could possibly be considered in this equation.
I also know that even the biggest of the hatcheries out there don’t ALWAYS sell you EXACTLY what they claim, but as stated, I know it’s an Ameraucana rooster..
We have several Ameraucana hens, from varying hatcheries & local breeders as well as the ones we have bred & hatched ourselves & ALL of these varieties shown, strongly display their traits.

*Example of one of the Ameraucana hens that came from Maurry McMaurry Hatchery in the same shipment as the rooster featured will be in a reply to this.
Ameraucana hen..


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Agreed. My response is probably not necessary as so many people have clarified but there isn't a splash bird in sight

Your rooster is not a Splash Ameraucana.
He is a silver columbian Easter Egger. That's why you are getting so much variation.
Please show me a Silver Columbian Easter Egger that has
There's also the non-feathered legs to account for.
Either the Marans is carrying the yellow skin gene and non feathered shanks (possible, I had a d'Anvers which carried yellow skin.)
Or, and I think this is more likely: there is another hen in this equation. Someone elses eggs are being mistaken for the wheaten Marsns.
This is the color of the Maran hens feet. Not yellow so you have a valid point to question that & I very much assure you that there isn’t another hen in this equation.
Not to be rude or condescending, but everyone can ‘guess’ or have an opinion, however.. this is exactly why I did this thread bc out of the 176 birds we have, none of them that are from mixed breeds have the consistent varieties as the birds that are featured in this thread.
We cross a Barred Plymouth Rock rooster w/ a Rhode Island Red hen & 100% of the roo & hen chicks come out exactly the same, black w/ a white dot on the roo chicks head & yellow w/ grey & black striped wings on the hens.


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These are the remaining 33% that are the unique ones, w/ no variations on leg color or booted or not. All of these calico colored ones have clean yellow legs only.

These are the remaining 33% that are ‘unique’.
They are ALL the same, no variations in leg color or booted or not. All have light yellow, non-booted legs.
They are all ‘Calico’ colored & have the Ameraucana head.
I’m not trying to make it out like I’ve created a future NPIP breed, just pointing out the diverse outputs from these Black-tailed Wheaten Maran & Ameraucana chickens & find it strange that 66% of the chicks/cockerels/pullets from these 2 breeds repeatedly put out 3 variations, w/ 2 of the varieties varying w/in them yet 33% are practically identical birds, w/ very little variations.

We have since incubated eggs from a different Black-tailed Wheaten Maran hen, from the same breeder, to the same Splash Ameraucana rooster & they are putting out the same % of variations of the same 3 varieties.
We will be breeding these birds, matching up a rooster & hen from the 2 different hens w/ their variety counterpart, matching the dominant Splash trait roo w/ a dominant Splash trait hen, the other ‘Turkey Striped’ Roos w/ Turkey Striped hens & the calico Roos w/ the calico hens & see what happens from there.
I predict that the ‘Unique’ calico colored ones will remain consistent while the other 2 sets will vary as they already are & possibly display other dominate traits from either breed.
As of now, all the varieties, both Roos & hens have predominate Ameracauna features, minus the booted trait.., from beak to tail feathers. As would be expected w/ the rooster being a Splash Ameraucana instead of the other way around..
Has anyone bred a Black-tailed Wheaten Maran rooster to a Splash Ameraucana hen?
If so, please share what your offspring birds look like.

I will come back to this thread & post pics of the 3 varying pairs’ offspring once they are old enough to breed & we can get their eggs incubated.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my thread, even though I meant to post all 3 @ the same time, but wound up falling asleep before I could finish.

To those claiming that the rooster isn’t a Splash Ameraucana, We were sold them from Murray McMurray Hatchery as such & I know w/ 100% certainty that he is definitely an Ameraucana rooster, Splash or not could possibly be considered in this equation.
I also know that even the biggest of the hatcheries out there don’t ALWAYS sell you EXACTLY what they claim, but as stated, I know it’s an Ameraucana rooster..
We have several Ameraucana hens, from varying hatcheries & local breeders as well as the ones we have bred & hatched ourselves & ALL of these varieties shown, strongly display their traits.

*Example of one of the Ameraucana hens that came from Maurry McMaurry Hatchery in the same shipment as the rooster featured will be in a reply to this.

Ameraucana hen..
Murray Mc Murray is selling Easter Eggers as "Ameraucanas". https://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/ameraucanas.html
Those are all Easter Eggers. They don't have the right color or comb type for Ameraucanas.
Murray Mc Murray is selling Easter Eggers as "Ameraucanas". https://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/ameraucanas.html
Those are all Easter Eggers. They don't have the right color or comb type for Ameraucanas.
Well, that would explain such variations now wouldn’t it..?
I’m @ the point where I honestly don’t even care what the rooster is or isn’t.
I’m just pleased w/ the consistent 3 colors/patterns we are getting from these 2 chickens.
So, maybe the thread should have said, “Hey, look what varieties of offspring these 2 yard-birds of ours consistently put out”..🤣
Murray Mc Murray is selling Easter Eggers as "Ameraucanas". https://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/ameraucanas.html
Those are all Easter Eggers. They don't have the right color or comb type for Ameraucanas.

I've seen so many chicken keepers get hoodwinked by this deception on Murray McMurray's part leading to threads like these, and it drives me batty. You'd think that hatchery would have enough complaints by now that they'd quit lying to their customers.

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