Is there a chance???

Agreed, right now nothing screams male to me. A comb that color would be normal on a pullet approaching POL. I can't say for sure because the back is in shadow, but I don't see any male specific feathers coming in like I would expect if this bird were 12 weeks or older.

Eta: At twelve weeks I'm leaning pullet but wouldn't bet the farm. However, if you haven't heard any crowing by now that's another point in favor of pullet. I'd wait another 2 weeks before I'd stake anything important on this being a pullet, but right now the chances are better for pullet than cockerel.
I posted several weeks ago about this one. I hatched five eggs and so far 2 are definitely pullets. I have thought this was is a roo, several weeks ago folks suggested it may be but to wait. Is there a chance it's a pullet? I am finding myself obsessing over this one and driving my poor husband crazy lolView attachment 4018520
I’m pretty sure it’s a pullet

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