Lavender X Buff Orpington cross

I checked out fancy chick and they are not selling chicks now. I did see some in the UK that I like. I got a black chick out of this breeding. I was surprised to see that.


Missed this before- our current Orpingtons are from The Fancy Chick which I will tell you we are very pleased with them - the LAV cuckoo and Jubilee are from their lines - we sadly had to put the Jubilee Roo down as he was extremely aggressive to the point there was no working around it -

Anywho here are the LAV Cuckoo and LAV Cuckoo x Jubilee hen chicks we hatched out

I just hatched out my Red Cochin Split and LAV hen chicks - luckily I got 5 Lav babies out of the bunch - I noticed I need more Cochin for sure lost some of the feathering on feet - due to having to put back to Orpington - if these are hens they have to go back to dad - then after that I get to work on fluffing them out - which I just hatched out Black Cochin/ LAV and they all had fluffy feet - so between the 2 I should be able to fix it

Hi everyone,

This was an "oops" breeding.....well, ok, it was more like I'm too lazy to catch the Buff Orpington hen and take her out of the Lavender pen breeding! LoL My Buff is a terrible looking Orpie but out of 12 chickens attacked by a Fox family last year, she was the only survivor. So she was way more cunning than the hungry fox! My Lavender Roo bred her and I absolutely LOVE the color of the chicks. And they are super sweet as well. I am looking forward to seeing them at maturity.....have 3 now and a few more on the way. Pics of the same chick since hatch, up to a few recent pics. Oh and excuse the uncut ziptie.......the chicks like to play with them so I leave them intact.....I swear I wasn't being lazy this time! ;)

Pics of parents....and the color cross chicks.






Still hoping to connect with those who crossed Lavender Orpington Rooster with a Buff Orpington hen. My little brown chicks from this cross are SO SWEET and I love the color/pattern (though I don't know what to call it). Previous post is of parents and few babies. Updating pics of this color cross. Those who have experimented with this color combo.......what were the offspring if bred back to the Lavender Roo OR to one another. Hoping to see some photos. ...

Here are my little ones.....have 6 and they all look very similar.




No. That's not how Isabel is made. Isabel is a partridge bird with 2 copies of the lavender gene. When you cross lavender and buff you get blacks with gold leakage. They are not partridge and they do not breed true. Isabel breeds true (partridge x partridge = partridge). The offspring of lav x buff will never breed true. When bred together you get a huge variety of colors including birds that can be solid buff, solid black, solid lavender, black with lots of minimal gold leakage, buffs with a tag of black showing through ect ect. Lavender x Buff doesn't make Isabel. It makes lavenders with gold leakage.
I sadly lost my Maverick to a coyote couple weeks ago - I was devastated and still am - I found one of his other hens to be broody so I let her hatch some more out as the other bunch I hatch wound up 3/4 Roos and the next set I found I have maybe 2-3 Roos as well out of 4 - this set last set of his offspring she hatched 8 chicks - all came out LAV except 1 - it's in the red tone so I'm hoping it's a Roo and will be just as sweet at dad was

Recent hatch-

Older set

2nd set

Sorry pics didn't come out so well for some reason -
Maveriks father was Red/Partridge Cochin Roo mother was Lavender Orpington - my previous Roo offspring had the Isabel, but seemed incomplete and the hens didn't show it - so next offspring hens I was going to put back to Mav but since I now lost him, I'm hoping the reddish offspring that just hatched out will be Roo to get it back - crossing fingers - if not I'll have to scrap my whole project
As Mav was the key to it all

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