MJ's little flock

It has to be worth a try.

I wonder why the flies like the patio so much.
Because of the shade. When it's hot flies will search cool and/or damp.

It's very unfortunate for my chickens because their yard and the coop are one of the most shady place here and they are swarmed with flies. Still looking for a method of control that is harmless to bees and other pollinators.
She's only a third of the way through on her body feathers. Poor kid's having a difficult life just now.
How is her health ?
They give a lovely dreamy sort of perspective in the world
Is that really what you meant and not some weird corrector slip ? Because I would welcome having such a perspective on the world right now😔.
How is her health ?
She seems to be flourishing. She has a strong appetite and lots of energy. Her next appointment is Friday 5 and I hope to learn her kidney function is normal and that she's gained her weight back.

She and Edie are very used to being carried from the roost to the big coop after dark. Tonight it seemed like they were waiting for me to come out and pick them up. I love how they grip my hands while I carry them over to the coop.
Is that really what you meant and not some weird corrector slip ? Because I would welcome having such a perspective on the world right now😔.
Yes. The only error was I said 'in the world' instead of 'on the world'.
You can see through them so they don't really obstruct the view, but they sway in the wind so your view sort of shimmers when you look through them and that is accompanied by a very peaceful clicking as the beads hit each other.
I have had several visitors come since they went up and everyone has the same reaction - they just stop and gaze through the curtain and seem to get lost in a bit of a daze.
Quite lovely. Then add contented chicken sounds as the scratch around on both sides, and it is irresistible!
Yes. The only error was I said 'in the world' instead of 'on the world'.
You can see through them so they don't really obstruct the view, but they sway in the wind so your view sort of shimmers when you look through them and that is accompanied by a very peaceful clicking as the beads hit each other.
I have had several visitors come since they went up and everyone has the same reaction - they just stop and gaze through the curtain and seem to get lost in a bit of a daze.
Quite lovely. Then add contented chicken sounds as the scratch around on both sides, and it is irresistible!
Sounds extremely restorative.
The first two sweeps with the magnet were productive.



Numerous tiny shards of rusted metal. Two bent nails. A bottle cap. A bent staple. Some wire.

That was from the external perimeter of the run.
Wow! It seems very helpful to clean the soil this way.

I live on a piece of land where 100 - 40 years ago was a workshop for fruit production and we found bits of tiles and other crap from the demolition when we bought this piece of land to build our house 20 years ago. Also lost some nails, staples and screws myself over the years building and rebuilding the chicken housing. So buying a metal detector is not a bad idea for me either. Better safe than sorry. And way cheaper than a vet consult with lab tests.

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