Post pictures of your olive eggers please

Oh! I forgot about this thread. Here's my olive egger, Limu, at 7 weeks
I am looking at all those beautiful pictures and I feel mine is a cuckoo maran, not olive egger. Humm
Here is my OE. No head crest, so not even sure if she is truly an OE. Time will tell.


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Here is my OE. No head crest, so not even sure if she is truly an OE. Time will tell.
Time will tell. It's still possible, sometimes cream legbars don't have a crest. Also, does she have a beard? Her face isn't fluffy, but her wattles are incredibly tiny like a bearded bird's would be. A cuckoo maran/easter egger (ameraucana/americauna) cross would also create olive eggers.
Time will tell. It's still possible, sometimes cream legbars don't have a crest. Also, does she have a beard? Her face isn't fluffy, but her wattles are incredibly tiny like a bearded bird's would be. A cuckoo maran/easter egger (ameraucana/americauna) cross would also create olive eggers.
No fluffy face, no beard, no feathered feet. Maybe a mix of cuckoo and some other blue egg laying chicken. But I don't think she is mixed with EE nor CL.

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