

In the Brooder
Aug 19, 2024
I have what I believe to be a Biefelder pullet (3 months old) but she crows like she's a rooster! She loves to have conversations with my husband and likes to announce it's time to wake up in the morning. Can anyone help us confirm what we actually have please?
Thank you so much!


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I have what I believe to be a Biefelder pullet (3 months old) but she crows like she's a rooster! She loves to have conversations with my husband and likes to announce it's time to wake up in the morning. Can anyone help us confirm what we actually have please?
Thank you so much!
That is a cockerel hence the crowing.
Definitely a cockerel, you can tell by the large comb and wattles for this age, the male specific pointy hackle and saddle feathers, and the male coloration as well as the crowing, hens can crow, but they don’t normally until older if they do. As for if it’s a biefelder I’m not familiar with the breed so I’m unsure.
Oh dear, really! So disappointing as we were specifically told it was a female when we got it 3 months ago!
Yes, that's a bummer! He might be a Welsummer?

It's even more disappointing because Bielefelders are auto-sexing and you *should* be able to tell them at hatch, but maybe this guy just got mixed up or into the wrong group somehow. :confused:
That's why I wanted the Biefelder. I thought it was a guaranteed pullet!
I also got a welsummer chick from him. Maybe they did get mixed up, frustrating!
100% cockerel AND 100% not a Bielefelder. They look like this:

The hens on either side of the buff on the 2nd roost are bielefelders.
And the same guy outside

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