Pure Barred Rocks or australorp cross?

Old post of a members 5 mo old barred rock pullet. Don't be alarmed if yours grows a few long tail feathers like this that curl down.Your pullets younger than the one in this picture https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/barred-rock-pullets-5-month-old.781207/
Oh I have not seen barred rock hens with long tails! Thanks for the heads up, they are now looking more and more proportional, and less, funny looking.
Heres one of them sun bathing with the others. Had a visitor call me over thinking they died, called them over for treats and they all went back to life :lau.
Oh I have not seen barred rock hens with long tails! Thanks for the heads up, they are now looking more and more proportional, and less, funny looking.
Heres one of them sun bathing with the others. Had a visitor call me over thinking they died, called them over for treats and they all went back to life :lau.
View attachment 3769136
What do the barred ones look like now?
They look so much happier and healthier than when you first got them! I'm betting you'll be getting your first eggs soon.
Might be the last update I do on these chickens, they look better each day. Might just be bad care that made them look so horrible. One of them has started to lay today.


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@MysteryChicken is right. We have a heritage barred rock rooster and crossed it with a black australorp hen. This pullet and cockerel were born on March 5th and these crosses both have the white shanks (skin). A neat thing about these crosses is that they are blue barred or black barred. Cream, the pullet, is black barred and Fudge, the cockerel, is blue barred. In the sunlight, you can see blue shine through on the the black, curtousy of his mother. Also, these crosses seem to be very soft, like a black australorp.


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