Awwww that’s amazing!!! :love I wonder if she grew up with the other one and got used to those conditions and her company or something? Seems you guys both have unique mold breaking Leo’s 😂🥰
I'm not sure how she grew up, but I guess it could be because of her previous conditions.
When I rescued them they were being kept in a massive, totally empty tank (a gravity waterer used for kittens and one log) with NO heat in it.
Thankfully they were both relatively healthy (underweight and pale) but who knows, maybe it affected Finn's temperature preference.
I'm not sure how she grew up, but I guess it could be because of her previous conditions.
When I rescued them they were being kept in a massive, totally empty tank (a gravity waterer used for kittens and one log) with NO heat in it.
Thankfully they were both relatively healthy (underweight and pale) but who knows, maybe it affected Finn's temperature preference.
Oh no!! Poor babies!! 😭 it seems like it could for sure if she never had the option of heat before and didn’t know different!
Adorable! Your gecko has the same facial expression as mine. Their skin is definitely softer; I like the comparison to velvet. Mocha is very sensitive, and though she is calmer when held compared to my leopard gecko, I think it is because she is scared.
Their big old eyes and tiny little feet are ridiculously cute. Some of the newer morphs are drop dead gorgeous, although I'm a sucker for darker colours in general.
I'd agree that they're more sensitive. They are calmer but also more timid. They tend to "cling" to your hand when a leo might try to run for it.
Me too!! Maybe one day I will get the permits and whatever is involved in having one. Right now I live in Florida and I see quite a few gators.
Top, lots of gators here! The babies are just too cute.
You do have to be careful through, the adults will attack/eat small kids, dogs, and even adults
We have only fed it frozen mice. Started with pinkies and moved up to fuzzies. He/she goes crazy when we come near the tank and wants to eat all the time. Mice are expensive enough, wouldn't want to have to pay for rats. How many rats would your snake normally eat, if it was not on strike?

Check craigslist. You may find someone selling rats at reasonable prices.
Top, lots of gators here! The babies are just too cute.
You do have to be careful through, the adults will attack/eat small kids, dogs, and even adults
True, I deal with all types of reptiles, the other day I saw a gator about 5 feet long and my cur dog jumped in the ditch and the gator went over to bite him. Fortunately my dog got out, but he’s an outdoor dog so that’s the main worry I have now.
Our Sherman Tank! 12 years old and 128 pounds.
I'm not much of a reptile person, but we rescued him after hurricane harvey displaced him and we bonded on our journey home together. He rode in the back of my Chevy Tahoe and spent the night with me in a Motel 6 ( Their pet policy is VERY relaxed lol)


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Check craigslist. You may find someone selling rats at reasonable prices.
True! There’s always rats on CL here. Although they’re live which I think is dangerous to them no? So you’d have to kill them yourself which might not be for everyone. I don’t think I’ve seen frozen ones on there yet.
True, I deal with all types of reptiles, the other day I saw a gator about 5 feet long and my cur dog jumped in the ditch and the gator went over to bite him. Fortunately my dog got out, but he’s an outdoor dog so that’s the main worry I have now.
I'm glad your dog is okay.
I have two little dogs, and my grandparents babysit them when we're gone. They have a lot of gators in ponds where they are so we have to be careful. The dogs tire quickly since they are so small so they're usually in the stroller by the time we get to all the ponds.

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