vetdna answered the phone today, but he said he didn’t get my package yet, USPS says it was delivered at 10:30 AM today. we’ll see if they find it .
everyone says it’s unlikely but it’s actually not uncommon and Poppy my duck has been sick for 8 months in and off , she always gets worse when I stop treating her with the oxine AH so I always put her back on it , because nothing else helps. I tried the dewormer for gape I tried antibiotics. I used colloidal silver, and I think it helps a little but not as much as the oxine. also manuka honey seems to help her a little. a couple of times I thought I was going to have to put her to sleep because she was suffering making loud noises trying to breathe, but the oxine always helps her. she has not been 100% but it gets her back to like 50% and she seems to enjoy her life again.
I'm so sorry, poor girl. She's so pretty. ❤️
I read that aspergillosis is a common fungus and that's so scary. It sound terrifying what it can do to birds and the treatment sounds even worse.
At least the oxine helps her. I couldn't even get Oxine if my ducks get any fungal disease. They don't ship it to the EU.
Oh that's good news. I hope they find it. 🤞
still waiting. at this point if I hear from them, I may not go through with a payment because it’s been a full seven days since i mailed it .
is a throat swab mailed in a vial even worth testing when it’s that old? and i paid extra for fast shipping, 😖
i went ahead and paid the bill for the test because they said the swab would still be good. poor little Poppy
i went ahead and paid the bill for the test because they said the swab would still be good. poor little Poppy View attachment 3937150
Oh no, poor baby. 😞 What are you going to do ? Put her on anti fungal medication or keep treating with oxine ? Can it be cured with oxine ?
I got a call from the vet today, and he said the cultures showed my ducks have something called Klebsiella, which is not great, as it can apparently cause pneumonia when untreated. But luckily the strand that my ducks have is treatable with antibiotics, which is good.
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sorry i meant to add to that post a question about natural antifungals. I know that oregano is one how do you administer oregano essential oil ? in the water? And also crushed garlic cloves I presume I have used them along with apple cider vinegar with the mother and the water in the past, but I think I should make sure that Poppy has it every day?

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