Sapphire Olive Egger journey

This post will be about Sapphire Olive eggers and their colors from chicks - pullets - hens - then the egg colors they lay. These chicks came Hoovers Hatchery!
One is a light gray and the other black. Hopefully this will help someone when they are picking out their Sapphire Olive Egger chicks!
Were these two sapphire olive Eggers both hens? Thank you
Hello, do you have any update? Mine that are almost 3 weeks old are looking very similar!
He’s starting to develop a good amount of white on his back now that came out of nowhere . Not sure if that indicates anything or not?!


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I don't know how I missed this thread when I got my SAO's last year.... at like the same time as you. Lol! I loved reading this today!

I have 5 SAO's. I have a thread about them that you can see if anyone wants a full SAO timeline. Spoiler, only one of mine lays olive eggs, the rest are shades of brown.
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