Silkie thread!

Ok here is my current crush. Hatched on 3/17 and her coloring is so striking, it's been great to watch her grow out.this is her as a baby


And her today! That crest is too die for and she knows it! I was surprised that her crest color flipped to blue, and a striking white breast that fades to blues. Her name is Rita Hayworth.



Beautiful! Love her colors!
We just got our first Silkies...I just love them! They are from 1 week to 1 month we have 6 and two are sizzles maybe 3. I heard they don't roost like other chickens and can also be picked on by the others since they are so docile. Do we need to keep them separately from the rest when they are older do the need a different type of coop? We do free range
We just got our first Silkies...I just love them! They are from 1 week to 1 month we have 6 and two are sizzles maybe 3. I heard they don't roost like other chickens and can also be picked on by the others since they are so docile. Do we need to keep them separately from the rest when they are older do the need a different type of coop? We do free range

Congrats! I successfully free range silkie within a mixed flock. The trick is to socialize them from an early age. That doesn't mean ' throwing them to the wolves '
Just let them have a good look at each other through the wire and eventually let them have some free range time out together, supervised. There will always be a little of a scuffle while they sort out the ' pecking order ' but in all honesty that will happen no matter what the breed or size of the birds. If all else fails and you feel that there is too much aggression , then yes you will need to provide a separate area for your silkies.
Just got the new nipple watering system and PVC feeder installed today.
Got some bugs to work out, but everyone is happy so far.
The buff orps go out in a week and I wanted to give everyone a place to feed and water without getting in each other's way.

I've brought some nipples, but haven't put them in yet. do you have urs connected up to a tank?
Oh, I am. I feel so bad, because I moved a small black snake out of the coop the other day and let it go in our barn. I'm guessing it made its way back to the coop last night and snagged my chick, but it could have been another. We've got loads of them.

But, that's okay. From now on, ALL snakes found in the coop will not be saved. I hate to kill them, since we have a mouse problem, but my chicks are more important to me.

Always something!

Saw, I believe on the coop thread, that a lady uses panty hose or knee highs stuffed with mothballs and hangs them on the outside of her chicken coop. She says it works to deter snakes. She doesn't know why -- only that it works. Couldn't hurt to try it. She doesn't put them inside the coop, only on the outside but I never asked her how many or how high or low she puts them, or both?
I've brought some nipples, but haven't put them in yet. do you have urs connected up to a tank?
It's connected to a two gallon bucket I got from Lowe's via a steel braided washing machine fill hose.
I chose that hose because it has a safe lining that won't impart anything toxic into the water.
I'm at work, so I don't have a picture of the finished reservoir.
I used a hole saw to put a hole in the bottom of the bucket big enough to accommodate a garden hose valve and used a garden hose gasket and food grade silicone sealant to seal around the valve.
The valve works pretty well to step the pressure down to where the nipples won't leak.

The nipple system was the tricky part and took a few trips and a couple returns to get the right components.
Once again the nipples were sealed with food grade sealant and the tube is sealed with PVC cement.
From everything I've read, as long as the stuff is completely cured, it's safe.
I used thread tape on the very end with a removable end cap, so that I can take it apart for cleaning.
The T is ultimately going to be used to feed another line to the shorter tube in the coop.

I've already lost one of my beautiful chicks

I found it under the nest boxes covered in snake slobber. It makes me so angry when one is lost and the killer doesn't even make use of it. Just swallowed it about halfway down and spit it back out

So, now they're sharing the brooder with my turkey poults. The poults are mad, broody hen is mad, chicks are mad...and so am I. Ugh.
I'm sorry you've lost one so early on! Any snake around here that makes an appearance is a DEAD snake! I'm dealing with a RAT problem as of yesterday! ARGH! Saw it last night while I had Molly outside eating grass. Then it got underneath the enclosed porch area and was making all sorts of noises. That sucker has to GO! I watched an exterminator show way back when and they used some sort of garlic spray to keep snakes away! And I've also heard about the moth ball theory too!

I actually watched a 12 ft black snake slither in and wrap our bantam cochin up within seconds! I had just stepped into the pen to pick her up. I grabbed snake and cochin and pitched them out into a more lit area. My husband was standing there when they came flying out at him. He stepped on one end of the snake and unraveled our cochin. Our little hen was fine, but the snake got the sharp end of a shovel to it's head.

I might need to invest in those vibrating protectors for around here! Our chickens free range and I can't put just anything out to keep the varmints away!

Just had to share... I had a rough day yesterday, so when I got home, I took Sam, one of my cuddliest partridge silkies, in the house to hug and pet. (My doctor calls them my therapy chickens.) I lay down with her on a towel next to me, checked my email, and fell asleep. I half-woke several times to her snuggling her head and neck against me, and woke this morning to her making the soft little trill sound. She stayed on her towel and was sweet and wonderful the whole time. It really helped. I'd better get some chicken diapers made soon in case this happens again :)
That's sweet Rekon! Chicken therapy that is! We have lots of chicken therapy going on in our house!
They're the reasons we don't go anywhere or take trips either! LOL I mean who am I going to get to sit with them? When one of them sleeps every night in bed with hubby? I could beg and plead!
But this is what I'd get for it
So we'll just stay at home and enjoy their company while we have them! No matter how long that takes!


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