Silkie thread!

My 4-ish month old little boy Casper. He is going to be my white girls fella, so I hope he turns out nice!

He's beautiful
Is he crowing yet ? is that how you know he's a boy ?
I'm new to silkes have my first two now they are just two weeks . Such precious things
He's beautiful
Is he crowing yet ? is that how you know he's a boy ?
I'm new to silkes have my first two now they are just two weeks . Such precious things
Thank you! No he doesn't crow yet. He has major streamers (long skinny feathers) coming out of his crest, his stance is tall, he is bigger than the hens who are a year old, he tidbits for the girls when I throw treats in the run. His comb is growing and a pretty good rate. He is very submissive. He is in with his daddy, 2 older brothers, and the hens. And I have 6 little assorted bantam pullets hanging out in there. (They are only 2 months old, so not breeding age yet). Everyone gets along great, but Casper knows his place, so I doubt he will be doing much crowing anytime soon. There is a lot of behavior involved with sexing. He is all boy when it comes to his natural instincts to share food with the hens, and how he walks is very different from the girls. I have gotten pretty accurate results by watching them when they are teeny chicks in the brooder and being able to tell sex. Even at a week old, my little boys will tidbit food for the rest of the chicks. They tend to try new things first also. There are exceptions though of course. I have a little bantam barred cochin that was so bold and fearless as a chick, I was positive it was a boy. Nope all girl, and just loves people. So you never know lol.
kabhyper1 thank you for your detailed response ! Like I said I have two , just over two weeks old.
If I went just off stance I think the white one is a boy. Tends to stand higher than the black and when they run around he tends to stand taller
Now they are two weeks old so who knows but my god they are cute to watch !!
kabhyper1 thank you for your detailed response ! Like I said I have two , just over two weeks old.
If I went just off stance I think the white one is a boy. Tends to stand higher than the black and when they run around he tends to stand taller
Now they are two weeks old so who knows but my god they are cute to watch !!
They can surprise you. It's usually a few month wait to tell what sex the chicks are. Just enjoy them and eventually you will be able to tell what they are. :) I have a 7 month old pullet that still hasnt laid an egg. She was on antibiotics as a chick for awhile though, so it could have stunted her or damaged her reproductive organs. I hope not, but I really didnt know if she was a boy or girl for the first six months. I couldnt tell with casper until his streamers started coming in a month ago. Being he is so submissive, it made it hard to tell. The only for sure way to know is when they lay an egg. lol Crowing is usually a good sign, but there have been hens that crow.

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