Sit'n on the porch

If you add a pinch of salt it should make your coffee less bitter.

I will give that a go!! Thank you
I'd love to hear if this works. Hubby like Starbucks coffee, and I think it tastes burned and bitter. On another thread, someone who roasts coffee said that Starbucks is "addicted to the second crack."

It seems that when you roast coffee beans, they "crack" when they get to a certain point. And if you keep roasting them, they crack again, but at that point, they're "burned," in that person's opinion. So if a pinch of salt can get rid of the bitter, burned taste, maybe I'd like his coffee too.
Good Monday!! to you all,
A very busy week ahead of me, It will be go-go-go all week
Doing coffee and Bible study until its light out, then I must get the block heater on the old ford diesel so I can go get those rounds we cut brought up by the garage for splitting. Then its back to studying,
Tuesday and Wednesday are full but maybe I can hit the garden clean up in-between stuff a few hours at a time.
I so need to get the dust shop vac-ed in the coop, but I can do that even if its pouring rain.

Have a great week!!!
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I'd love to hear if this works. Hubby like Starbucks coffee, and I think it tastes burned and bitter. On another thread, someone who roasts coffee said that Starbucks is "addicted to the second crack."

It seems that when you roast coffee beans, they "crack" when they get to a certain point. And if you keep roasting them, they crack again, but at that point, they're "burned," in that person's opinion. So if a pinch of salt can get rid of the bitter, burned taste, maybe I'd like his coffee too.
I havent tried it yet but when I do I'll let ya know
4am up, fires going and Coffees done. I bought 2 bags the starbuck winter organic blend at Costco last week , not very good. It has a bitter taste. I typically buy 2 because I like to have back up on the shelf. I am going to return the one unopened bag, I dont think they will take a ziplock filled with coffee beans.

I got laundry done and hauled up some of the down for several years dry cedar from the tree stack. I had to cut rounds and DH came out and cut some. I'll burn the not quite pithy wood to take the chill off. There is a lot of it. 3 decks at the standing tree line. I have been chipping away at the pile on the far left in the pic. It has some very big diameter trees.
I have got to get out and clean up the garden. That green patch you see, is a self-reseed arugula and its thick, the thyme is getting out of control and the weeds are creeping in. I need to cut the border line so the grass stays out and plow. But not today:tongue
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Enjoy the new day,
Good gracious you're a busy bee!
A nice little warm up for a couple days, to remind us what summer was. With some fall color as a bonus! Sliding back into more seasonable temps tomorrow, but still warmer than average.

Good sitting on the porch weather. Either to gear up in the morning or wind down after the day's work is (mostly) done.

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