Tractor Supply Employee Knowledge About Chicks

See then I wouldn't be so ahhh at the staff, They are only opening a new store and have to work out all the bugs, but stores that are well established should have some Idea what they are selling. You don't go into a boat shop and say I want to buy a motor and the guy behind the counter doesn't have a clue which one is the right size for your boat.... ahhh you know what I mean
A1 I could not agree with you more!!! Thank you for sharing your beliefs! If a person earns a wage for a job they should care about what they do and do their best. My Dad always said "Son if you grow up to be a ditch digger then dig the straighest ditch you can, take pride in your work and you will sleep well at night."

Exactly! My parents always said the same thing! If you sell widgets, be the best widget salesperson out there. I see so many people barely doing thier jobs. I don't expect full knowledge, but please know what I am asking for and where it is, and if you don't, get off your duff and find out!

Exactly! People now have the whole "you owe me, the government owes me, my employer owes me" attitude. If you are at a company for 4 or 5 years and you still do not know what is going on... shame on that company for keeping you around!
Actually they still do bra fittings at JCPennys if you are needing that
Ya just ordered 50 chicks and almost had to get on there computer and do it myself. You would think tsc would have atleast on person who knows something about animals.
i had the same problem when i bought some last year all i asked how old they were ? she had no clue and what to feed them cause i was totally new at chickens so i needed alot of help she had no clue actually she gave me layer pellets .i think they should someone there to educate on chicks if they are going to sell em .
We don't have a 'big box' feed store like TSC here, but I would never buy chicks at the local feed store. They have a bin labeled 'assorted poultry, $8'...regular chicks, bantams, ducklings, guineas, goslings, poults...all mixed up together! Can you imagine some person who doesn't know better going in to buy chicks and ending up with geese?!

I don't know about Tractor Supply, but having worked a while in the pet industry, I know that some stores will purposefully hire people who do not have experience or knowledge. I breed aquarium fish and know a lot about them. I have gone into pet shops for interviews to work in their fish department, and have been told by the management that they would not hire me because I simply knew too much, and they wanted someone who didn't know anything, so they could be trained to the store's methods without questioning them. These stores usually did have questionable management/care practices--such as not treating sick animals (not just fish either, I mean cats, dogs, birds too!) because it is cheaper to let them die and get new ones usually. And they did not want a fish salesperson who knew the requirements of the fish, because they did not want someone who would talk kids out of buying too many fish or a big expensive fish that would outgrow their tank and was better for business to have someone who would just repeat a few lies to the customer, smile, and send them home with as much stuff as they could be talked into buying. I certainly hope this is not the case with many stores and that I just found a few bad ones; it was a terrible shock to find out things like this.

I wouldn't be too hard on the kids working in the feed store...there are many people who have been keeping and raising chickens for years and don't know all the facts. When I bought some laying hens a few months ago, the lady I got them from assured me that the white ones would lay white eggs, the brown ones brown eggs...she could not even tell the difference between hens and roosters. She told us that two of the birds were the parents of the others...well, turns out both 'parents' were 3 month old pullets! And as for feed store employees knowing what and how to feed...I never have fed layer feed to my birds. We buy scratch and oyster shell, that's it. And our birds in the past layed daily for 2 years before we would cull them at that age. The two laying hens I have now are the same, and all I give them is 'garbage' from the kitchen, and scratch. Many 'old timers' feed nothing but scratch, and if they are teaching the younger generation working at the store, then they will teach them the way they know. And of course, they cannot train every person in every department, and chicks are not really a department that is there all the time. And once you have someone who knows what they are doing, then they are worth more money as an employee, and the store doesn't like to pay more than it has to.
I have heard this about everywhere. I know I work for a pizza place, and one of my coworkers has previously managed another pizza chain, but they are never going to promote her because policy is to start with a "young pup" so they can be trained in this companies "ways"

Pish posh, whatever-smever. The first guys they chose to train as managers either quit on them, got firerd halfway through training, or just plain call in constantly. The remaining guy (who calls in a lot) can't make change to save his life. I can just see him making company deposits

The one who is a former manager? She's one of the most relaible workers.

And once you have someone who knows what they are doing, then they are worth more money as an employee, and the store doesn't like to pay more than it has to.

That's probably the crux of the matter.​
I was not bashing the girl at TSC. She is very friendly and helpful. Or TSC for that matter. I just found it amusing. That's all. TSC is supposed to be a company "specializing" in farm and garden sales. I would expect the employees to know what they are selling and what they are talking about. Wal-Mart specializes in selling the most cheap Chinese made crap to make the most money. In my opinion there is no comparison. Thanks!

How'd we get to Wal-Mart from here?

Wally World is mentioned in the second paragraph. Just my guess.

I just need to add that If someone is going to sell live animals they should have a basic understanding of their care. It is not like buying the wrong sprinkler part and needing to take it back. There is, I feel a higher level of responsibility when dealing with living things. If I noticed an employee giving wrong information I would speak to the store manager and let them know that their workers need some more training. I would not say it in a negative or bad way just that I would like my neighborhood store to look good.
The closest one near me is Shelby NC. Every time I went it looked like part time college kids ran the place.
They seemed friendly but, didn't know what anything was even though they tried to help. I've never
seen the same person twice.

It isn't such a big deal anymore because all stores are like that now. Try calling Best Buy and asking
a really difficult hardware question about the computers they sell. You'll get the same glazed over look.

My hometown feed store was funny last year because the guy didn't know that leaving the metal brooder door
open would cause escapes. He ringed someone out and had about 50-60 EE's running around the store and
hiding under the shelves.

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