What did you do in the garden today?

When we're expecting a hurricane or tropical storm I fill up the freezer with bottled water, laid on their sides. I've never had one rupture.

If the power goes out the frozen water helps to keep the freezer cold. And in a pinch we can drink the water.
I fill empty vinegar bottles and freeze. A full freezer keeps temp better than half empty. When I process birds I put in the cooler for ice and swap every 8 hrs. And If I need room in the freezer , its easy to take them out.
Because I haven't been able to can the last couple years after multiple back surgeries I have broth & jams in ball jars in the freezer. I just make sure they are wide mouth & for quarts I fill them a little less, an inch under the shoulder & have not had any problems. I keep them in the tray in the freezer so they don't get jostled around or bumped.
Great information, and since I wouldn't have to process them so they wouldn't lose the collagen sticky texture like pressure processed jars do.
I also freeze my refried beans in jars. Because we eat them so fast there's no point in pressure canning them either.
I usually freeze my refried beans in burritos for easy reheating but jars would be handy too.
And.... another one of my semi-related rambles! We also preserve a lot of peppers, onions, garlic and green tomatoes with salt and olive oil, I do those in Mason jars and they get stored in the outside fridge for quite a while. We eat them a lot so they don't last a year.
oooo, recipes please?

Pooring rain again this morning so I'll have to put out more slug/snail bait but when I was shaking it out yesterday, one piece hit a snail I hadn't noticed till then right on the head. buon appetito!
We call that "the stink eye" in my family, lol. I didn't know they had a stink eye emoji. :lol: Awesome.
😆 My King of Stink Eye, Rocky, Always in Stink eye mode
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Got some new seeds for the garden today, Oregon Sugar Pod II Peas from Ed Hume seeds. They're a type of snow pea.

I have only 20 or 30 pea seeds left from last year, and figured it would be a good idea to plant fresh seeds in the ground instead of the old ones.

And it looks like the rain has stopped, so I might be able to get my hands dirty today.
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We also preserve a lot of peppers, onions, garlic and green tomatoes with salt and olive oil, I do those in Mason jars and they get stored in the outside fridge for quite a while. We eat them a lot so they don't last a year.

oooo, recipes please?
Ooooo.... yes, please?? That sounds like something I'd eat with a spoon, right there.

Stinky breath, who cares.
Today, I cut the white stem off my Pak Choi and used the green part for my teriyaki hamburger. I chopped and salted the stem and mixed it with some fresh salted prism kale. I am not sure how the raw salted vegetables will turn out, but I can confirm that the fresh Pak Choy on my teriyaki hamburger taste good with the mayo, tomato, pickles, and onion slices. :love

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