Wrath's Marans

@wrathsfarm I’ve got a question that’s maran related ish. So my maran mix rooster, Fred, he’s a year old. And circumstances being what they were, he stayed indoors for A LOT longer than he should have..blah blah blah..
Anyway here recently since it’s been cold, 12 degrees at night, and Fred crows and crows until I finally give up and bring him back in. Once he’s inside he snuggles down and sleeps. It’s odd though because I’ve got coop heaters in the coop and it’s 42 degrees in there. My other chickens are perfectly fine. There’s no fighting or bullying going on either. I’ve got cameras in the coop, and he just stands up on his roost and crows, until I go get him. Actually he follows me into the house, he climbs the porch stairs just as pretty as you please, pecks at the door until I open it for him. Is this odd behavior a Maran thing? Or does Fred have “special” needs? Surly it’s not possible to spoil a rooster…right?!
I know this question isn't for me but I have to say... sounds like your boy has YOU trained perfectly! 😂
I know this question isn't for me but I have to say... sounds like your boy has YOU trained perfectly! 😂
Oh the question was for ANYONE with rooster experience, I just know Wrath does.
soooo it IS odd behavior right?! I just looked over at my rooster (my HUGE rooster) sleeping in my rocking chair, and thought how did this happen? How did I get here? 😆
Oh the question was for ANYONE with rooster experience, I just know Wrath does.
soooo it IS odd behavior right?! I just looked over at my rooster (my HUGE rooster) sleeping in my rocking chair, and thought how did this happen? How did I get here? 😆
Ok... I need a picture of a rooster in a rocking chair, please!
@wrathsfarm I’ve got a question that’s maran related ish. So my maran mix rooster, Fred, he’s a year old. And circumstances being what they were, he stayed indoors for A LOT longer than he should have..blah blah blah..
Anyway here recently since it’s been cold, 12 degrees at night, and Fred crows and crows until I finally give up and bring him back in. Once he’s inside he snuggles down and sleeps. It’s odd though because I’ve got coop heaters in the coop and it’s 42 degrees in there. My other chickens are perfectly fine. There’s no fighting or bullying going on either. I’ve got cameras in the coop, and he just stands up on his roost and crows, until I go get him. Actually he follows me into the house, he climbs the porch stairs just as pretty as you please, pecks at the door until I open it for him. Is this odd behavior a Maran thing? Or does Fred have “special” needs? Surly it’s not possible to spoil a rooster…right?!
Yea, I'd say you got a spoiled boy. 🤣
My best guess is he knows his roost/coop is in your house and that's where he's expected to go. If he's acclimated to the weather, you need to re-home him to the coop. Put earplugs in, turn up the volume, shut off the light, walk away and don't look back. He'll be fine and in a few days to a week he'll forget your house was his roost.
Yea, I'd say you got a spoiled boy. 🤣
My best guess is he knows his roost/coop is in your house and that's where he's expected to go. If he's acclimated to the weather, you need to re-home him to the coop. Put earplugs in, turn up the volume, shut off the light, walk away and don't look back. He'll be fine and in a few days to a week he'll forget your house was his roost.
It’s weird because I assumed he’d rather be with his ladies than my house!
Ditto dat !! 🤣
Fred, literally atm! He was asleep, but I got near him and he thinks I’ve got meal worms in my pocket..ok I do have meal worms in my pocket :(


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Yea, I'd say you got a spoiled boy. 🤣
My best guess is he knows his roost/coop is in your house and that's where he's expected to go. If he's acclimated to the weather, you need to re-home him to the coop. Put earplugs in, turn up the volume, shut off the light, walk away and don't look back. He'll be fine and in a few days to a week he'll forget your house was his roost.

I think it absolutely adorable and why can't you spoil your chickens i do ! 🤣

Once homed to a roosting area, a coop or in this case your house, they're hardwired to return to this spot, and chickens hate change. They must be forced to change.
I do try. He’s was out in the coop crowing and having a tantrum. I told him to stop, that his hens was staring at him! I was like “Fred! This is why Betty and Sheryl won’t give you the time of day. This right here!”
Sigh so he IS “special”. Maybe if I take the rocker out to the coop??

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