Wrath's Marans

He pretty for a guy lol. But, I do understand the over of government.

My brother n law built a condo for the Marans girls. Charlie took it over. will have to tell him he doesn't lay eggs. Lol

Ummmmm.....yeah. 🙂
I definitely believe temperament is genetic. Which is why I didn't want to allow my very aggressive cockerel to breed and removed him. I'll give them a couple chances because hormones are raging but there's a very obvious line to me. Repeatedly flogging me and then harming the girls while mating (tearing combs and pulling out feathers) is a deal breaker.
Definitely agreed! I read somewhere on here “be nice or be dinner”!
I definitely believe temperament is genetic. Which is why I didn't want to allow my very aggressive cockerel to breed and removed him. I'll give them a couple chances because hormones are raging but there's a very obvious line to me. Repeatedly flogging me and then harming the girls while mating (tearing combs and pulling out feathers) is a deal breaker.
Wholeheartedly agree with this. To add I never tolerate tag teaming.
I supervised the mix girls one day free ranging recently because King is lacking getting the hens fertilized so I locked him up and let out my 2 BCM breeders. They took right to a Australorp pullet that showed interest.

It was a BCM/BA/BCM sandwich for a bit. I watched as one finally mated her but was nice and the other just stood by. I didn't let it go further than that, as I only really need my EE and 2 BRs eggs to be fertile but them boys were doing everything right so far in their first outing as a test.
He’s absolutely gorgeous! His spurs are about the same size as Fred’s, as far as I can tell anyway. Does it just take a long time to grow full spurs, or is this it?
Never really paid attention how long it takes for them to get full length. Kongs right spur is broke in half and his left has been completely tore off to the leg in a fight with King thru the HC.
This is why I do sight blockers or secondary fences now to prevent close contact.

Edited to add...this was back in 2022 and the one tore off never grew back.
Never really paid attention how long it takes for them to get full length. Kongs right spur is broke in half and his left has been completely tore off to the leg in a fight with King thru the HC.
This is why I do sight blockers or secondary fences now to prevent close contact.

Edited to add...this was back in 2022 and the one tore off never grew back.
It’s wild to me how Roos act sometimes. I’ve got an old English bantam who was bucking up on my primary rooster. So I put him in my brooder that’s in the coop. It’s chicken wire on one side. I went out the next morning and my primary was COVERED in blood. I immediately counted heads, I just knew a critter got in somehow..but no. Through the chicken wire the 2 Roos went at it, and my primary “deskinned” the old English’s comb. I’m still confused how? I mean back up if he’s coming at you. Did he just stick his comb out of a wire hole?? All is well now, but lesson learned! Secondary fencing is a must with roosters.
FYI where was Fred? He took the girls and ran into the yard. At first I was like aww Fred’s protecting the girls, but no. He was having his way with them while the primary was busy. 🤦‍♀️
It’s wild to me how Roos act sometimes. I’ve got an old English bantam who was bucking up on my primary rooster. So I put him in my brooder that’s in the coop. It’s chicken wire on one side. I went out the next morning and my primary was COVERED in blood. I immediately counted heads, I just knew a critter got in somehow..but no. Through the chicken wire the 2 Roos went at it, and my primary “deskinned” the old English’s comb. I’m still confused how? I mean back up if he’s coming at you. Did he just stick his comb out of a wire hole?? All is well now, but lesson learned! Secondary fencing is a must with roosters.
FYI where was Fred? He took the girls and ran into the yard. At first I was like aww Fred’s protecting the girls, but no. He was having his way with them while the primary was busy. 🤦‍♀️
Fred's the smart one 🤣
I think it might be more of one rooster can't make the other back down or submit so it's basically a fight to the death thru fence.

I'm more pro-active when it comes to my boys than others. But my reasoning is King's neurological issue now with unbalance, Kong would surely kill him even with a 1/2 a spur. So I'm very caution to keep him safe to live his days out here.
My wife just suggested last night as a matter of fact of building a retirement coop for him and some of the older hens I don't use for breeding.
So that's in the plan.... I can then move one of the breeders in to fill mixed eggs for hatching the younger ones.

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