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  1. Annaafranqueza


    I just brought one of my dogs for her yearly checkup and she tested positive for hookworms. all my dogs out eat chicken poop( i know gross!!). how can i deworm the chickens and ducks I have ? i have large breed, small breed (easter eggers) and then also bantams of polish/silkies
  2. Annaafranqueza

    Baby chicks butt

    Excuse the mealworm crumbs on my hand/ her feathers. She had diahrrea when I brought her home with the other 9 chicks. Ive watched for pasty butt which she had a little of but i soaked it off. No blood so dont think i need corid. Her butt area stays kinda bald, and it looks like her butt vent...
  3. Annaafranqueza


    Does this look like bumblefoot? He seems to he limping a little
  4. Annaafranqueza


    Found one of my ducks with its wing hanging. Went to look at it and found this wound. Has white little bugs that look like worms in it too. What can i do??
  5. Annaafranqueza

    Duckling has ball on cheek

    I have a duckling and I just noticed this ball on his cheek. He is acting normal. Eating/drinking. What could this be and how do i help this baby!?
  6. Annaafranqueza

    Baby duck

    Mom hatched 10 ducks and keeps picking on this one, why?? She isnt the smallest either.
  7. Annaafranqueza

    Rooster booster

    Want to give new chicks rooster boozter, how much do I put in 1qt?
  8. Annaafranqueza

    Tylan 200

    I’m having trouble figuring out dosage for syringe application of tylan 200. My chicken is 5 pounds. I need to know how much and how often. Any help would be great!!
  9. Annaafranqueza

    Sick chicken!!

    My one year old hen i keep finding her laying down a lot. No blood in her poop. Gave her mealworms to see if she’d eat and she did. I seperated her and gave her water with electrolytes. She did poop a liquid that was dark green with some yellow in it. She free ranges during the day and gets...
  10. Annaafranqueza

    Mother duck

    My duck has been broody and this morning i found her first egg half hatched and dead. Now i went to check her again and another had pipped and part of the duckling was showing. Once she realized she started trying to eat at the egg. I got scared and took that one away and put it under one of my...
  11. Annaafranqueza

    Male duck with ducklings

    I have one male and two female ducks. Both ducks went broody at the same time. My male duck has always been very kind to his ladies(i orginally was going to get more after hearing how males can be aggressive) but he was horrible to the new females i tried introducing to the flock! Hes fine with...
  12. Annaafranqueza

    Triple yolk egg

    One of my olive eggers has been laying eggs bigger then my ducks! They all have been triple yolk. Today the egg was almost double the size of a duck egg and was cracked so I gave it to the ladies.
  13. Annaafranqueza

    Hen being attacked help

    Help! This is my only chicken with a weird comb like this. For some reason one of them attacked her the other day. It was a little cut that i out vet spray on. Today i could not find her and found blood everywhere. Finally found her hiding behind the coop. She was covered in blood and her...
  14. Annaafranqueza

    Spring time!

    So excited I can now have flowers around the coop the chickens can’t reach!
  15. Annaafranqueza

    Shelless egg

    So I only have two regular chickens besides silkies. One has been laying for about a month and a half. The other should start laying any day now. They both sleep on the same roost at night and have both been laying in the same nesting box each day. I have been finding eggs without the shell...
  16. Annaafranqueza

    Egg hatching

    So i’ve had two duck eggs under my silkie. Its been over 3 weeks so i went to check today anx noticed that one of the eggs has a small crack in it! Should I isolate my silkie when the eggs hatch in a new area? Will she know to wait for the other egg to hatch before she helps the other one?
  17. Annaafranqueza

    Bloody poop

    One of my 3 week old chicks has a bloody poop. They are all acting normal. They have also all gotten the coccidiosis vaccine (spray) from hoovers hatchery. They are in my bathtub, never been outside.
  18. Annaafranqueza

    Is this egg fertile?

    I orginally thought my duck eggs were fertile.i saw veins(i think) but now i’m not so sure. My broody silkie has been sitting on them for about 2 weeks maybe 3. I should have noted the date but forgot. Any thoughts?
  19. Annaafranqueza

    Boy or girl

    So I ordered 15 sexed chicks (suppose to be all girls) from hoovers hatchery. I’m a little concerned about one being a boy, maybe because she’s become my favorite already. I’ve had barred rock in the past so you’d think i’d be able to tell already. She is 3 weeks and a few days old and also the...
  20. Annaafranqueza

    Duckling identification

    Trying to figure out what breeds I picked up from tractor supply. I was hoping they would be khaki cambells!
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