~ Galen

Galen wiped his brow and pulled off his gloves, slapping them down onto the table beside him. If all had gone well, his little project was finished. He'd lengthened the blade and added weight to the handle. The buyer would be pleased. It now lay beside the gloves waiting to be tested.
He absentmindedly examined his claws, long and sharp, they glinted in the firelight to which his attention was now drawn. The dying flames flickered slightly, red and orange casting strange shadows on the walls. After rousing himself from his trance, he splashed a bucket of water over the fire and tossed his cloak onto a peg on the wall.
Dusk had fallen and night was when the Harpies could truly come out, less likely to be seen, they were free to fly just about wherever they chose.
He swung the door open and after closing it behind him, strode to the cliff's edge and looked down at the foaming sea far below, and then, nonchalantly, he stepped off.
Next page: ~ Jintao
Previous page: ~ Jordan Tay