Intro 2 ~ Galen

Galen stood in a large clearing surrounded by forest. He sighed as yet another attempt at landing the knife in a far-off tree ended again in it bouncing off and tumbling in the leaves on the forest floor. This blade was off-balance even though he had spent hours crafting it. He shook his head in defeat and went to fetch it.
He knelt and brushed his hand through the leaves until it met hard metal. Grasping it firmly, his eyes wandered up and down the blade. This knife was supposed to be one of his finest works but something had gone wrong. this was not a good witness to his skill. It was beautiful but not functional.
He stood and placed the knife in his satchel. There was more work to be done on it.
In one strong beat of his wings, was aloft. He streaked up into the sky and then dipped and flew low over the trees toward home.
Next page: Intro 3 ~ Ember
Previous page: Intro 1 ~ Lichen