Intro 4 ~ Gecko

Gecko stretched his dark grey wings and looked out at the peaceful ocean before him. The salty air smell brought back memories- good memories. Memories of when he was a kid and when he- his mind drifted elsewhere. He smiled and laughed in his strange way. Tesla. It wasn't even a year ago when he met the fancy human being. He wished he could find him again. Closing his eyes, he pictured the man trapped while he watched from his perch above. The place wasn't too far from where he was.

Gecko took to the air. Within minutes he arrived at the boulder that Tesla was once trapped on. The little stone hut that Tesla built for shelter was still there with its moss roof. Gecko peered inside, though he didn't go in. His large wings would surely cave it in from an accident on his part. The hut was dark inside from the lack of light. A bed made of moss lay on the right and a couple of forgotten food cans sat in the left corner. Cozy, Gecko smiled. He turned away from the hut and stood on the faded SOS that was drawn on the ground.

Tesla, when will we ever meet again? Gecko wondered. "He-he-hee," he cocked his head like his thinking wasn't all there. "Soon. Too soon. He-he-hee." Gecko flew to his old perch on the cliff above. Hunching down, he watched the boulder below as though he was a predator stalking its prey. This was where he spent most of his time, despite the traveler no longer being there.
Next page: Intro 5 ~ Jordan Tay
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