Intro 7 ~ Jintao

The gentle rain slid off of Jintao's heavy sailor's coat as he walked down the cold sidewalk. New arrivals of people rushed by on the busy street towards hotels and taverns, some on foot, others in carriages or on horses. A busy man bumped into Jintao, knocking the package from under Jintao's only arm. "Watch it, will you!" the man growled. He pushed Jintao further out of his way and hurried to a nearby pub. Jintao bent down, picking up the carefully wrapped fish that was to be his food. He swept off the package and huffed. Nobody ever had respect for anyone around here, not even for those who were handicapped.

Jintao pushed past the busy crowd and went into the store he had so often gone to before. It was just as busy inside as it was outside. Strangers rushing for the first goods they'd purchase since arriving on this island shouted at those crowding them and pushed others out of their way. Jintao moved to the side of the check-out counter and watched hurried buyers pay for their new treasures.

"Back from another fishing trip, are ya?" Jintao turned to the clerk standing next to him. He was a short man with greying hair. "Not really," he replied. "I'm stuck on this side of the gate." "Ain't we all," the clerk smiled. He bent down below the counter. "Hey, I got those new spices you ordered," he stood up, placing a small package in front of Jintao. Jintao put his original package down and picked up the new one. "I thought you weren't allowed past the gate either," he said. The clerk placed his elbows on the counter and balanced his head on his calloused hands. "It doesn't mean I can't get what my customers want, does it?" he asked.

"I suppose not," Jintao placed the spices down and reached for his wallet. "Oh, no," the clerk placed a hand on Jintao's arm. "This is on the house. You've been one of my most faithful customers, so how could I not reward you with something special?" Jintao smiled in gratitude. "I don't know how I could thank you-" "Don't. Just keep returning here." The cleck moved close to Jintao. Like he had some secret, he looked around for anyone who might be listening. "I sell the best spices in all of Bayport and customers know that. That is all thanks to you and your taste buds. I wouldn't be able to sell what I do if it wasn't for you always noticing the flaws with every company." He patted Jintao on the shoulder as he walked past. "Let me know what you think of them. If they're good enough for you, let me know. I'll keep this place stocked."

"Will do," Jintao replied. He shoved the fish under his arm and carried the spices in his hand. He stopped by the door and watched the clerk serve another customer. At least one person cares. He exited the store and headed down the street. It took him twenty minutes to reach the neighborhood where he lived. There were apartment buildings on both sides of the street. Their chipped painting and dull lighting revealed that this was the poverty side of the city.

Jintao came to the building that he lived in. Its windows were dirty and the ladders were rusty. The front door was gone from when someone broke it a few months before. Jintao went to his apartment. It was on the first floor and was the second door to the left. He sat his packages down on the floor so he could unlock his door. There was no click on the lock. Another thief must have broken in again. It happened often, as anyone on the first floor was usually the easiest for thieves to access. Jintao picked up his packages and pushed inside. He sat the spices on the counter and put the fish in his fridge.

Jintao went around his apartment picking up the mess the thief must have made. There was nothing stolen, except for the antique clock that was in his living room. He was poor and he owned nothing of value. The clock was left by the last resident, so as far as its value, Jintao had never considered it. He sulked down on his ragged couch and closed his eyes. It had been a long few days. His work was hard, and even harder with only one hand to help him do it. He hoped to drift off to sleep if his thoughts would allow it.
Next page: Chapter 1
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