~ Gecko

The day soon grew old as the sky darkened with night. Gecko took to the air, shortening his time in travel. He arrived at Pirates Cove exhausted. Gecko slid his torn cloak over his wings and headed for the bustle of the town. There were humans everywhere, but he paid them no mind. None of them were the one that he hunted, or were they? A drunken sailor tripped over a water trough nearby. He laughed at his foolishness despite his sudden wetness. Gecko fixed on him. Was it possible this was the one he was so desperately seeking? The sailor stumbled towards him. Laying both of his hands on Gecko's shoulders, he muttered something that the Harpy couldn't understand.

Gecko stared hard into the drunken man's eyes. This was not the one he was seeking. He stunk badly of alcohol, had salt-stained clothes, and held himself poorly. "Get your paws off of me," Gecko said, strangely calm. "Paws?" the sailor exclaimed. He burst out in laughter. Gecko grabbed both of the man's hands and pulled them off his shoulders. The sailor looked down. Gecko's hands weren't like normal hands, they were clawed. "Oh..." the sailor trailed off. Gecko shoved his hands behind his back, suddenly remembering that he forgot to glove them. "Go home," he said. "Your eyes are causing you to see strange things." With that, he abandoned the drunk and hurried out of the town.
Next page: ~ Jordan Tay
Previous page: ~ Ember