~ Jintao

Jintao opened his eyes. His mind was racing. He lunged to his feet and nearly fell over with dizziness. It had only been a dream- PTSD, perhaps. He caught himself with the back of the old couch and slouched down to his seat. His sailor's coat was still on, which had soaked his previous seat. Gentle light shone through the dirty windows of his gloomy apartment. He looked at the clock for the time, then remembered it had been stolen. "Another rough day, huh?" he asked himself. Waking up with a steady floor was always hard, and with the terrifying memories that followed, it only made it harder.

Jintao rose from the couch slower than he had before. He went to his ice box and opened it to the smell of fish. There were three packages in the box, two of fish, the other he wasn't sure. One of the fish packages was old, and smelled like it. He didn't mind the smell, but used it to deter thieves from stealing anything from his ice box. He picked up the non-fish package and estimated its weight. About 10 pounds, maybe less, he estimated. He sat it down, still not ready to see what was in it.

Jintao closed the ice box and headed for the door. Stuffing his keys deep into his pocket, he left his apartment well-locked. The haze of the early morning hid most buildings out of sight. The streets were quiet except for the occasional dog barking as Jintao walked past. He wasn't sure why he was out so early. He rarely left his apartment when he wasn't helping the fishermen. Perhaps it was to get away from his thoughts. No bother, he assumed. His thoughts would surely follow him out here too. He did wonder, though, if there was something out here that was calling him. Perhaps it was someone in need or other. Either way, he wasn't sure.
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