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  1. DuckFanatic

    What color is this Coturnix quail chick?

    Any ideas?
  2. DuckFanatic

    My runners are growing up!! -pic heavy-

    It seems like just yesterday when they looked like this! And yet they look like this today!! *faint*
  3. DuckFanatic

    My runner ducklings arrived today!! -LOTS of pics-

    ...friendliest by far since the second I opened the box at the post office! The little blue girl.. maybe "Rosebud" Kiwi and Rosebud snuggling Group shot! Little "Mango" has already learned to tuck her head behind her wing and does it *all* of the time! How...
  4. DuckFanatic

    Color on Frizzle Chick? [PICS]

    I got a frizzle chick from the feed store today and I'm not familiar with frizzle colors so I was wondering if anyone wants to have a guess? Sorry for the picture quality, my camera was NOT cooperating with me! Thanks so much and enjoy the pics of her with my dog Snuggling into Zoe's fur:
  5. DuckFanatic

    NOT EATING?? Found Few Day Old Sparrow -PICS-

    My little brother found a little baby sparrow by our house. It's nest is too far up to reach and I read that it's pointless to put them back because they are just going to be pushed out again. I put it in a tupperware lined with a hand towel and have been feeding it canned cat food. It looks a...
  6. DuckFanatic

    Broken Leg? -HELP-

    My 3 month old americauna pullet is walking on her hock and seems to have a broken leg. I picked her up and examined her leg by bending the base of her leg, her hock, and her ankle. They seemed okay buy I'm guessing something's wrong in her ankle so she's walking on her hock to keep pressure of...
  7. DuckFanatic

    What's the Color??

    I forgot what the name is for the color that looks like a barred rock and has red in it too? I used to have a rooster with this coloring.. I think it starts with a 'c'? Thanks!
  8. DuckFanatic

    RIP Noodles....

    Last night when I was out loving my new horse I heard one of the hens FREAKING out. I glanced over at the coop.. it was too late for them to be singing an egg song.. I didn't see anything. Then the panicked clucking stopped ..... So I went back to brushing Penny Later that night my sister and I...
  9. DuckFanatic

    Soft- Shelled Egg (help?)

    My pekin girl, Yuki, who is still recovering from her broken leg, laid a soft- shelled egg in the duck pool last night or this morning.. or at least I think it was her. She has laid two eggs in the time we've had her.. maybe a month or so? Her first one she laid a while ago and she laid it in a...
  10. DuckFanatic

    Gender on Stray Chicken?

    Last night my neighbors called and said they had a chicken in their yard. We went over to attempt to catch it but it got dark so she flew up into one of their trees too high for us to reach. So bright and early this morning, my mom and I walked down to the neighbor's house and they said that the...
  11. DuckFanatic

    Bam Bam and The Gang [Pic Heavy]

    I finally got some more updated pictures of my duck gang. I am down to six at the moment.. Having to re home a few naughty ones Pebbles has been renamed Bam Bam as he turned out to be a drake He has turned out to be such a pretty boy and he is only going to get prettier! He is 1 month and 22...
  12. DuckFanatic

    Identify This Snake!! [pics]

    I lifted up the duck pool to dump it, looking to see if there was and big bugs to throw to the chickens. I didn't see anything until I turned and fast movement caught my eye. I turned around to see what I thought was a big worm and was in a state of chock when I realized this was no worm at...
  13. DuckFanatic

    Share Pics Of Your Broody Ducks!!

    I don't know about you, but I don't think there is anything cuter than broody mama ducks. Please share pics of your broody duckies and pics of there babies if they hatched any If you would like, you can tell there names, breed, and how many ducklings they hatched I'll start: Wilma was...
  14. DuckFanatic

    Bumblefoot?! Marek's Disease?! HELP!! *pics*

    Lately we have noticed that our americauna pullet has been limping. First it was just when she ran, it looked like she was cantering like a horse or something... Then I noticed her limping even when she was just walking. I looked at the foot she was limping on and the pad is much larger than her...
  15. DuckFanatic

    **Need Advice on Golden Pheasants!!**

    I'm thinking about possibly getting some golden pheasants and I have a few questions... 1) Can they live in with my chickens and ducks? 2) Can I clip their wings so they don't fly over my fence? (it's about 5ft high) 3) What is the ratio of male to female? 4) How big are they compared to...
  16. DuckFanatic

    **HELP!!! Pekin Duck With A Broken Leg!**

    See here to read the whole story: So we rescued a pekin duck from the park and she has what seems to be a broken leg ... Any ideas of how to treat/ fix it? Any help would be greatly appreciated I'll post some pics soon...
  17. DuckFanatic

    *Rescued Pekin with Broken Leg*

    Today my mom, sister, two brothers, and I, went to the park to feed the ducks and check up on them. There is a mama pekin there that has been sitting on eggs for probably months now. Her nest is so close to the ramata(sp?) area that it I could reach into the reeds and into her nest and touch her...
  18. DuckFanatic

    ****Post Pictures of Your Hounds!!****

    Hounds are awesome dogs that have so much personality and character. I'd love to see everybody's hounds and I'm sure others will enjoy them, too. Put there name, a pic(s) of them, how you got them, how old they are, what breed they are, and anything else you would like to add in! I'll start! We...
  19. DuckFanatic

    Post Pictures of Your Ducklings!!

    I would love to see pictures of everyone's ducklings and I'm sure other people would enjoy them too!Any breed, and gender, and under 3 months old. Here are the rules: With your picture(s) put the name of your duckling, the age it was in the picture(s), breed, and how (s)he came to be I'll...
  20. DuckFanatic

    Lavender Indian Runner: New Update And New Pics!

    There is a female Indian runner duck at a park very close by my house and she is very sweet but tiny and skinny! She sometimes hangs out with two pekin drakes that are there and sometimes mallards but they all pick on her She eats out of my hands and she lets us know she is a girl with her...
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