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  • Users: gryeyes
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  1. gryeyes

    Two New Reality TV shows I REALLY like

    I've recently started watching "Inside Combat Rescue" and "Boston's Finest." Both are excellent programs, educating viewers as well as providing imminently watchable incidents encountered by the paramedics and police officers. Editing is crisp, exciting, and also showcases individuals...
  2. gryeyes

    Ended 2013 Easter Hatch-a-long "Create a Chicken Tiara" Contest

    Doesn't the Diva in your hen deserve a tiara? Or your most roo-some rooster need a crown? I am sponsoring TWO contests in one: a full year GFM (one from me, one from Nifty-Chicken) for each of the following: Create the best Hen Tiara or best Rooster Crown. This contest started unofficially about...
  3. gryeyes


    it's coop not coup. And coupe is for cars. It's wattles, not waddles. Ducks waddle. Roosters have wattles. And while I'm at it, it's "its" without an apostrophe for singular thing possessive, and "it's" with an apostrophe to show the contraction of "it" and "is." A ladder can be used to...
  4. gryeyes

    New Zealand Kiwi - I want some!

    I've been watching "Mutant Planet" and I want a Kiwi (bird). Flightless, 80 day incubation (by the males), hatch fully feathered! The poor hen carries her huge egg INSIDE for 10 days and the egg is nearly the size of her body; she's very uncomfortable until she lays it in a safe spot, then...
  5. gryeyes

    I sometimes wish my cat didn't love me so much

    How the heck can I get him to get OUT OF THE WAY of my computer monitor??? He's purring and bumping me and turning and waving his fluffy tail. There is NO way I can see around him. Good think I'm a touch typist. I don't wanna tick him off by picking him up and dropping him away from the...
  6. gryeyes

    Chicken and Rooster collectibles - who cannot resist 'em?

    I thought I'd start a thread of chicken/rooster items I've come across in my 'Net noodling excursions. These are things I want, think are nifty, or which otherwise fascinate me. I happen to know there are other BYCers who share the same lust for chicken stuff. If any of y'all come across...
  7. gryeyes

    Bunnies are about to hop into my life

    An associate at work (not a co-worker but a vendor assigned to work with my unit) has offered to give me a buck, a doe, and three baby bunnies after the babies are older. He will have the buck neutered and all I have to do is reimburse him for that cost, then I'll get the bunny family. (His...
  8. gryeyes

    Floozy ducks

    I never realized ducks - girls - were such floozies until I got a call duck pair, and then later, four Cayuga ducks. I had a Cayuga pair until the hen was killed by a predator when she was brooding a nest full of eggs. That left me with Louie, the widower Cayuga drake. Bought four straight...
  9. gryeyes

    Hitchcock the porch rooster

    ...or up on a roof or anything. It's right there on the porch railing, with a good view of the yard. And maybe enough protection from predators? <*sigh*> He sure snuggled good. Edited to add photo: Not all that great, but it shows the afternoon group up there. Hitchcock is the one closest...
  10. gryeyes

    Idle rumination about buying PopTarts from a smoke shop

    I am recognized by the clerks in the little "cheap cigarettes" smoke shop I patronize. Best prices around. I don't even have to say what brand, flavor, and type of pack I want, any more. I was short 8 cents once, the clerk said,"Pay it next time." I think, when I actually did that, she took...
  11. gryeyes

    Love my Toulouse pair!

    Angus and Kate are such fun additions to my flock of chickens. I bought a pair (sexed) from Ideal Poultry, from their last hatch of the season. Named 'em William and Kate, but, sadly, William died within a couple of weeks. Ideal refunded his cost, because they were done hatching geese. I...
  12. gryeyes

    Chickens in other people's yards

    The city in which I live allows "backyard" chickens. One of my favorite places to go take my lunch break was on a cul-de-sac where chickens were freely ranging from yard to yard. Once I saw a hen with 13 chicks walking in the street and I pulled up next to her to warn her to move her troop out...
  13. gryeyes

    Gosling becomes Big Sister

    I bought a pair of Touslouse goslings, a sexed pair, and they were shipped with "packing peanut" chicks, all hatched the same day. The male gosling died within a week, so I bought another gosling for company... but that gosling (likely a drake) was at least 3 weeks older, and HUGE, so I...
  14. gryeyes

    Goslings! Goslings! - new pics

    I have a sexed pair of Toulouse goslings from Ideal Poultry! They, and 12 little packing peanut chicks were delivered this morning! (Pictures later, I promise - I am at work right now.) These are my surprise goslings, as I saw they were "out until 2012" on the Ideal website. Filled out the...
  15. gryeyes

    Talk to me about Toulouse geese

    I have a large flock of mixed breeds and sizes of chickens, plus some ducks. 7 ducks. I really want to get a Toulouse goose, or gander, but I know they're straight run as goslings. I'd like to know more about their temperament, too. My Cayugas are pretty quiet ducks. The 3 call ducks appear...
  16. gryeyes

    Talk to me about "water witching" for a well

    I'm buying a house on a little bit of property with a well. The flow rate from the well is a little low, and my real estate agent said she'd make an appointment for someone to come out and witch the property to see if there is a better location. To check to see iif the current location is the...
  17. gryeyes

    Okay, okay, I guess silkies are cute.

    I believe I am going to be gifted with some silkie chicks when HHandbasket hatches some (in her incubator right now, due to hatch May 24th). I believe this because she told me so. Her silkies are SO cute. Never, ever, would I have thought I would say that. NEVER been thrilled or "interested"...
  18. gryeyes

    Sneaky hen

    So, I come home, check on the chicks in the brooders and the two youngsters not quite ready to go outside (they're delicate and I don't WANT to put my D'Uccles outside yet, okay?), freshen the waterers and feeders, head outside to the back yard to refill the ducklings' dishpan with clean, fresh...
  19. gryeyes

    Hey! I have a new badge!!!

    Wow! Thank you to whomever nominated me! REALLY wow. And I also just saw Gritsar and Happy Chooks sporting new badges, too! WAHOO!!!
  20. gryeyes

    Some back yard flock photos taken Saturday 4-23-11 - HEAVY PIX ALERT!

    This is a small portion of the back yard Chicken Compound at the Olmstead Homestead, and just a few of its denizens. Broody Day 3 for a Blue Orpington in THE favorite nest box on my back porch. This is the grow-out coop where I just put out my BR, RIR and Brown Leghorn pullets - they're...
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