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  • Users: BirdNut
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  1. BirdNut

    Looking for Information/Reviews/Testimonials on

    ...the only live animals I've ever had shipped to me were aquarium fish from across the state (which turned out fine 90% of the time), but they really *seem* like they know what they're doing, and I think that if I wait for the last remnants of Arizona's brutal Summer heat to die out first, I...
  2. BirdNut

    Edits I do to my posts don't show up...?

    I've been having a lot of complications lately with editing my posts. I edit it, and it looks fine, but once I press 'submit', all edits are gone. I wondered if my computer hadn't quite caught up yet, so I refreshed the page several times, and the edits I made to the post still would not show...
  3. BirdNut

    Fight or flight - A roleplay

    ...mistakes do happen. - Inactivity. Please participate; do not join and then never come back again. It's disheartening and quite difficult to manage.* - Practicality. Be realistic. Your character cannot very easily dodge bullets that are shot at them, and a broken joint cannot magically start...
  4. BirdNut

    I'm sure some of you are wondering by now...

    ...them are almost done. I will post progress updates on here later today. My dearest apologies for the wait. Requests are still closed but I might *consider* commissions. I'm flattered that you all love my art, really, I am! But I just don't have the free time anymore to be making artwork at...
  5. BirdNut

    Finch suddenly dead without warning - other finch now sleeping a lot

    The title explains it pretty well; I woke up this morning to find that one of my zebra finches died, leaving me with just one finch. I noticed how unusually quiet it was this morning without their usual 'beep-beeps', and singing. One was missing, so I removed the nest, and in there was the...
  6. BirdNut

    BYC character art contest -- CLOSED, results posted on official thread

    It's the time we've all been waiting for; the end of the 'Draw a BYC RP character contest'! Now it's time for everyone to vote for their favorite! A note to the artists: Be honest and don't vote for yourself. Thank you! .: ⃝:..: ⃝:..: ⃝:. Our entries: Achillia, the Appaloosa X Arabian...
  7. BirdNut

    Silkie spitting up clear, runny substance when picked up!

    My Buff Silkie hen seems to be slowly growing thin, because the bone on her abdomen (name?) has been especially prominent lately, and today, I gently picked her up and she spat up a clear, very runny substance. She spat up quite a lot of it. I'm extremely worried about her now. Is this an...
  8. BirdNut

    Happy Independance Day!

    Happy Independance Day, everyone! I'm wishing you all a great one.
  9. BirdNut

    My Silkie laid an egg on my lap!

    The title says it all! I was sitting on the sofa with a towel on my lap and Goldie was sitting there ever so quietly as I stroked her feathers. Then she stood up and there was an egg under her!
  10. BirdNut

    My EE hen suddenly died; diagnosis needed urgently!

    I have a problem with a deadly disease going around. I don't know what it is or how to treat it. All that I know is the wild dove population has it and some infected birds found a hole to get into my coop by. I lost my EE to the same thing that I witnessed a few wild doves die to. The symptoms...
  11. BirdNut

    What is Governmentium? Funny joke! Governmentium Research has led to the discovery of the heaviest element yet known to science. The new element, Governmentium (Gv), has one neuron, 25 assistant neurons, 88 deputy neurons, and 198 assistant deputy neurons, giving it an atomic...
  12. BirdNut

    Eggs possess a peculiar aftertaste...

    Hey everybody! I need some input on my hens' eggs. A few days ago, I began having a bitter aftertaste in my mouth, and I didn't know why. It's a strong aftertaste that lingers throughout most of the day, staying there seemingly no matter what I eat or drink to attempt getting rid of it. I...
  13. BirdNut

    Could someone take a guess on the breed? (Sorry, no pics)

    I saw a gorgeous fancy pigeon at my local bird rescue, and I'm very curious of the breed. He's rather stocky-figured with a broad chest, a double crest (A tuft on the back of the head like an Archangel or a Blondinette, with a smaller forward-curving crest on the forehead), a short beak that...
  14. BirdNut

    Serama contest! Ends April 25!

    Have a gorgeous Serama? Here is your chance to show him or her off here! Rules: -Please choose pictures carefully and enter only the clearest pictures, because blurry ones are too difficult to judge. -Birds must be at least a week or two away from one year old, but one year and over is...
  15. BirdNut

    My new baby

    I thought I'd share some pictures of my precious new baby Fischer's Lovebird.
  16. BirdNut

    What the--...

    Oh my god. I was just at the feed store today and was horrified to find that their BR chicks were maiming each other. It was awful! I picked up a scalped chick that was bleeding and acting lethargic, and I gave it to a worker, who willingly cleaned the wound, treated it, and he placed the chick...
  17. BirdNut

    Art Hosting website alternatives to DeviantART?

    I've been experiencing some issues with the use of DeviantART, which led to me leaving their website. Nice as it was, I just kept getting endless trojans sent to me. Sure, I do have a nice antivirus system, but I can't help but worry. In three days of browsing art, I got a total of seven...
  18. BirdNut

    Free BYC avatars and chicken artwork!

    Hey, if anyone is in need of an avatar or if they want some artwork of their chicken, contact me here. Post a picture of your chicken, and I'll draw a cute little 100x100 avatar of them for you. Larger pictures range from 500x500 to 1000x1000. It's totally free of charge, and you'll likely...
  19. BirdNut

    Fish enthusiasts' chat!

    Any other fish enthusiasts on here? I have a 26 gallon bowfront freshwater tank that currently contains two Platys, one male Dwarf Gourami, one male Red Velvet Swordtail, four Lemon Tetras, and three Rosy Barbs. It's a crazy, colorful tank that's so much fun to watch. In another room, I have a...
  20. BirdNut

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР-- 'Fly with the breeze'

    ...participate, and have fun at it too. Chickens inactive for a period of more than a week will be deleted, unless a valid reason shows otherwise.* - Practicality. Be realistic. A chicken cannot run into a Bunch of Cats an come out unhurt. An apprentice cannot have a mate, a chick cannot defeat...
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