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  1. MonkeyZero

    We have rodents! Mice!

    How about these?
  2. MonkeyZero

    We have rodents! Mice!

    Well I think they're mice. They tend to be small when they get caught in traps. And I know that this is inhumane, but my parents use glue traps in the house(well hidden in corners where the dogs can not get to). But they also use snap traps in the garage(the dogs can't get to them since the...
  3. MonkeyZero

    Is My Coop Big Enough?

    I believe it's 4 square feet indoor and 10 square feet of run for each bird. But I believe thats for heavy/standard breeds, and for bantams its 3 square feet of indoor and 6 square feet of run. I think your a bit over stocked but I think 8 should be fine in that big of a space. Is it possible to...
  4. MonkeyZero

    Pond Building/Construction help

    :)Hi there A quick question I want to build a pond which will be about 84 inches long, 40 inches wide and 30 inches tall(its rectangular) How large of a pond liner will I have to purchase to build this pond? Thanks
  5. MonkeyZero


    Don't worry too much. It wont hurt your chickens or fish Gopher tortoises are mainly herbivorous. He might munch on some of your plants and may knock over some plants but otherwise, he shouldn't be much harm
  6. MonkeyZero

    Coop/Loft Design Thing. Help needed :) Kinda pic heavy

    Hiya So Since I gave away my silkies, I am getting doves... or pigeons... So because my dad told me to make the loft/cage on my own, I kinda have to do this thing lol. So here are some ideas sorry about the mess. My dogs were wanting to play I can use this White Cage alone which is 21 in X 21...
  7. MonkeyZero

    Rehomed my Silkies...

    Hi there. A tad bit sad actually. I ended up rehoming my two silkie sisters. They, for some odd reason started being violent with my dogs(who ignore the hens). They also started stealing some of the dog food, pooping ALL OVER the patio, going through and destroying plants, and did I mention...
  8. MonkeyZero

    Dove housing

    So I still havent got any doves yet, but I think I'm getting 2 pairs. Now my parents and I were wondering, what's the cheapest and easiest form of housing for them? They will need to stay outdoors year round( I can get a heat lamp in there for the winter). Any suggestions. We wanna go super...
  9. MonkeyZero

    My ANIMAL family :) ~Pic heavy! ~

    Thanks! Rocks is a great idea to name them after:)
  10. MonkeyZero

    Fish Thread for posting Pictures of our fish, tanks, ponds, and Q & A

    sunny & the 5 egg layers : How many goldfish for a 50 gallon tank? I suggest 20 gallons for common goldies, and 25-30 for fancies. Often time, you will hear 10 pet commons and 20 for fancies. You can do this, however, there will be more water changes needed.
  11. MonkeyZero

    My ANIMAL family :) ~Pic heavy! ~

    Alrighty. So I was bored and decided to take pictures of my lil ones. Well most of them. Sorry the pics arent great, especially the fish ones... Here are the Silkies, Seeta and Geeta. They kinda follow each other around or if I'm out there, theyll run after me. Kinda cute to watch. They...
  12. MonkeyZero

    Problem with molting

    This might help
  13. MonkeyZero

    Fish Thread for posting Pictures of our fish, tanks, ponds, and Q & A

    Both are members of the Poeciiidae(sp?) family and are livebearers. Mosquito fish are NOT guppies, but they are from the same family. Hope that helps
  14. MonkeyZero

    For $10 Would You......

    Yes. I did it before for a bet! lol For $10 would you eat caviar right out of the fish?
  15. MonkeyZero

    Collecting eggs

    I took use an egg carton I only get 2 eggs a day, to every other day. But right now, my silkies are being the stereotypical silkie, and sitting on a nest of, NOTHING! There is nothing in the nest yet the think they should go broody. XD
  16. MonkeyZero

    Fish Thread for posting Pictures of our fish, tanks, ponds, and Q & A

    For swim bladder, I suggest some frozen green peas Boil some up and then remove the hard outer covering for the peas. The you can mash them up or feed them as is. Good luck
  17. MonkeyZero

    Fish Thread for posting Pictures of our fish, tanks, ponds, and Q & A

    They're rescued from a fish bowl Currently a 30 gallonwhich is a hospital tank Yes a filter is in. But there is no strong current(I made sure of this so their fins dont get sucked in). The water is tap water. We never had any problems with out water. Never any chlorine or anything. I have been...
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