olive egger

  1. gnarlyshields

    Blue Maran Rooster x Easter Egger

    I had 6 chicks hatch this week. They are a cross between a Blue Maran rooster (brown egg) and an Easter Egger Hen (light green egg). They are only a few days old and I am curious if anyone else has a similar cross and what did the offspring's egg color turn out to be? I was hoping to make some...
  2. E

    Age of egg laying?

    I am wondering about the age/signs of egg laying first time chicken owner here. They are 23 weeks old, we live in Michigan though. Will they lay this fall yet??
  3. ChickenGirl300

    Gender of 8 Week Old EE/OE

    Hi. This is my 8 week old chick, Flash. S/he has a very small comb that is red. We've only seen her involving in sparring once. I can't tell if she is a he or not. Help please!
  4. TundraFang

    My Egg Pipped!

    I'm just super excited so I made a thread! My girls just stared laying and I popped one egg in the bator and it pipped this morning! It's from my Sapphire Olive Egger (she doesn't lay green eggs but oh well) and most likely my White Japanese Bantam. It's pipped at the wrong end but I've had eggs...
  5. B

    Can anyone help at sexing my chicks??

    I have 4 chicks that are about 4 weeks old and would love to see if anyone had any ideas about whether they’re hens or roosters! I know 4 weeks might be too early but the suspense is killing me and I have no idea about sexing chicks so thought I’d see if anyone had any ideas! We have two...
  6. M

    F8 Olive Eggers

    Could someone kindly explain how in the world you get F8 Olive Eggers please? Wouldn’t their offspring be every color under the rainbow? :jumpy
  7. Whatthecluck2

    Several beautiful Olive Eggers - Enchanting Green Egg Layer

    These Olive Eggers from Ideal hatched 5/19 or 6/23. They are a cross between Easter Eggers and Welsummers or Barnevelders. These have multi-colored plumage with some having beards and muffs similar to Easter Eggers and some not. They are excellent layers of Olive Colored eggs They currently...
  8. doglikeme3

    One of my chickens laid 2 very soft eggs

    One of my olive egger chickens (~18 weeks) laid 2 very soft-shelled eggs. what do I do/ how do I fix this and prevent it in the future. The white's and yoke of the egg look normal.
  9. Meidvsalith

    Small Flock of 5.

    I need to sell my Frost White Legbar, two Cream Crested Legbar, and two Olive Egger chicks Hatched on July 12th. Located in Rockford, IL.
  10. Princess_sleia

    Hi from Pennsylvania, USA

    Hi! I’m Cecilia! I currently have 8 hens, one barred rock (Ruthie), 2 sex-link (Dorothy and Barbara), 3 EE (Leia, Sally, and Chermie), and 2 OE (Tina and Nayna). As you can see, my 4 year old took great pleasure in naming some of them 🤣. I’ve been at this about 6 months, having acquired my first...
  11. TheMrsChick

    Newbie to Broody 🙋🏻‍♀️

    Hey! out of our flock of 15, one little lady (she’s either a blue Plymouth Rock or an Olive Egger, I still can’t tell the difference. Feel free to enlighten me!) and she’s 5 months old. She *might* have started laying eggs just recently but there are 12 others that I’m trying to keep up with, as...
  12. Olive


  13. Olive egger

    Olive egger

    Charlie of the fluffy cheeks
  14. urbanhomestead_jenn

    More chick sexing - would love your opinions!

    Hello 👋🏼 I have 6 chicks hatched May 28/29 - now 7 weeks old in these pictures. I’m still unsure of the sex on a few of them. Would appreciate your input! These are a mix of Easter/Olive eggers and black copper marans. These are the two I’m suspecting are cockerels. The black one for sure, the...
  15. K

    Mixed breed gender thoughts - Olive Egger and Silkie/EE

    Hi there! I have a 12 week Olive Egger and a 12 week Silkie/EE mix and I’m questioning the gender for both. I’m a new backyard chicken owner and would appreciate insight from more experienced chicken owners. Thanks in advance for your help!
  16. fivechicks715

    Ameraucana or partridge olive egger

    This chick was sent to me as a “surprise rare breed”. I can’t tell from its markings what it is. I am thinking either an Ameracauna or partridge olive egger. Unless there is something else it could be?
  17. ChickenGal247

    Sex-linked Olive Egger Genetics ?

    I started hatching from a cross that should be sex-linked but so far none of the chicks have hatched with the telltale white spot. I might’ve assumed all pullets, but now at 2 weeks it appears a blonde chick is developing barring. Cross is Wheaten Marans Rooster x Cream Legbar Hen. I was...
  18. M

    Hello! New Chicken owner in Middle TN

    Hello, I’m MJ and I picked up my first 3 chicks back in late March. I started with 2 speckled Sussex pullets and 1 buff Orpington pullet. My buff was a sweet little thing but while waiting on being able to move to our new home with a yard (was delayed by almost 2 months :/) they went to my...
  19. Brown Chick

    Meet My newest flock members

    Ameraucana x2 and one olive egger pullet. They are tiny, a bit flighty, and getting settled in.
  20. Sez007

    Old English Game Bantams or what?

    These were sold to me as sapphire olive eggers, born April 12th 2021...they’re small and look more like OEGBs... can anyone confirm or tell me what they are?
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