The Waltons or Little House On The Prairie?

Yep, I knew that too!!!
Come on ya'll I'm a teenager and I know all this stuff. Come on older folks think of some good ones!!!

P.S. Sorry about the older folks thing but you are what you are!!!
Laura had a baby girl(Rose) and then she had another baby that died.
Nellie's babies names were Jennifer and Benjamin.(jenny and benny)
Laura Ingalls Wilder actually did write the books and the illustrater was Garth Williams.
I'm a closet Waltons fan.

When all my friends were watching Welcome Back Kotter, I was watching The Waltons. I have all the DVDs but will probably stop buying them once Grandma and Grandpa are out of the picture.

Don't tell anyone I know that I still watch the Waltons at night before bed to relax and unwind.
Last question!

What was Ms. Beedles babys name?

I am 41 (old) and I watched all the shows when they were new. I have read most of the books and still watch the re-runs. For a young person you are very knowledgable on the show but may I suggest that you get out more and enjoy being young. You are oly young once and it will be gone before you know it.

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