APPLE CIDER VINEGAR: Chicken’s natural

Watch this video to learn how apple cider vinegar helps you keep you flock happy and healthy !

Don't believe everything you see on YouTube. There is no proof that ACV benefits poultry. I have personally proven that it was not good for my poultry. It can be harmful when given during high temperatures.
Dear R2elk
I’m interested to know what your experience has been with ACV and your flock. What happened ?
I fell for the claims that using ACV would prevent pasty butt in chicks. Prior to using it the only time my chicks would have pasty butt was if they were shipped chicks. The range was in the 10% to 20% range. When i used it in the brooder the pasty butt incidence jumped to 90% and included my own hatched chicks. I quit using it and the pasty butt incidence cleared right up.

Prior to the change over from Huddler on the Internet there was lots of good information on the Internet regarding the reasons one should not use ACV during high temperatures. Unfortunately I have not been able to find those sites now. One of the claims is that it will interfere with calcium absorption.
I use it every day! I pour a little in, humans take ACV shots to boost your immune systems! No reason why it wouldn't work on chickens. I don't think it helps pasty butt, but it didn't make them worse in my experience. I do agree though, don't belive everything you see on YouTube, most of it is clickbait.

(Note: it has to be raw unfiltered with the mother in order to offer any benefits.)
I use it every day! I pour a little in, humans take ACV shots to boost your immune systems! No reason why it wouldn't work on chickens. I don't think it helps pasty butt, but it didn't make them worse in my experience. I do agree though, don't belive everything you see on YouTube, most of it is clickbait.

(Note: it has to be raw unfiltered with the mother in order to offer any benefits.)
In my experience, much of the benefits claimed for people are due to the placebo effect. If you believe strongly enough that something will work, it will work. The placebo effect does not work on animals.
Hello, I had one of my hens develop what I'm sure was vent gleat. All the information I read pointed me to this diagnosis. I brought her into the kitchen sink and with warm water cleaned her bottom. I then cleaned the waterer as well as the feeder to ensure they were clean and mixed up a batch of water with ACV to balance their PH . I also mixed some plain yogurt with apple and corn to kill off any yeast . They all drank and devoured the treat, did this for 2 days. They all have nice fluffy butts now so I'm sure this remedy helped. Worth trying and will do this again if they develop again
It has actually been studied in people.


There are quite a few studies done on humans regarding the benefits of ACV (not much on birds to the contrary), but the problem is the "suppose benefits" are taken way out of context, and its now noted as a "cure-all drug" for basically every ailment you can get.

Do you know bananas pose plenty of benefits to humans and animals?

Does that mean I should go rubbing bananas on wounds and mixing bananas in their water, probably not.

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