I'm not saying it cures everything, only real medicine can actually make diseases better, I'm just saying at the very least, it can't hurt.
Yes it can hurt. It can hinder the absorption of calcium.
Your birds are better off with plain fresh water.
I fell for the claims that using ACV would prevent pasty butt in chicks. Prior to using it the only time my chicks would have pasty butt was if they were shipped chicks. The range was in the 10% to 20% range. When i used it in the brooder the pasty butt incidence jumped to 90% and included my own hatched chicks. I quit using it and the pasty butt incidence cleared right up.

Prior to the change over from Huddler on the Internet there was lots of good information on the Internet regarding the reasons one should not use ACV during high temperatures. Unfortunately I have not been able to find those sites now. One of the claims is that it will interfere with calcium absorption.

This is interesting. 🤔 How much and how often were you using it?
For me, I’ve been using it for years. Once to twice a month, EVEN in hot weather. I’m in Southern California, and right now we are getting 100F-109F . I am still adding ACV in their water. They are ALL laying and their egg shells are very strong when I try to crack them for breakfast. As far as my young chicks, they are all healthy and growing and no signs of pasty butts.
I use it every day! I pour a little in, humans take ACV shots to boost your immune systems! No reason why it wouldn't work on chickens. I don't think it helps pasty butt, but it didn't make them worse in my experience. I do agree though, don't belive everything you see on YouTube, most of it is clickbait.

(Note: it has to be raw unfiltered with the mother in order to offer any benefits.)
Yes, I agree! I am not too sure that apple cider vinegar helps with pasty butt, but it helps with a lot of other things. And like I mentioned in the video, NEVER add ACV to a metal water container, it causes corrosion and can be very harmful to your flock. 😊👍🏼
Its not disturbing my laying hen, are you putting to much in? Only a few drops, and she has laied 8 eggs in the past 9 days.
If you are adding only a few drops, it is not enough to make any difference one way or the other. If you have hard water to start with it could take quite a lot to make any difference in the pH of the water.
Yes, I agree! I am not too sure that apple cider vinegar helps with pasty butt, but it helps with a lot of other things. And like I mentioned in the video, NEVER add ACV to a metal water container, it causes corrosion and can be very harmful to your flock. 😊👍🏼
Without doing a comparative study, you can be drawing false conclusions based on what you want to believe. No control group leaves you without anything to compare your results to.
If you are adding only a few drops, it is not enough to make any difference one way or the other. If you have hard water to start with it could take quite a lot to make any difference in the pH of the water.
By a few drops, I mean about 2 tablespoons, but I'm not measuring, it takes about a month to go through an entire bottle if you use it consistently every day.

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