New Rooster crow dampening, noise reducing device

I don't mean to be rude but is this post in the wrong area?
I don't mean to be rude but is this post in the wrong area?
View attachment 2263373
I don’t think this technically counts as an advertisement cause he’s just asking for opinions on it and whether or not we think people would be interested in something like that. He’s nowhere near ready to sell yet and I don’t even think has a product to sell yet. Besides, he said he’d give a lot away for free. But we’ll see if anything actually comes of this or not. He doesn’t even have a patent yet.
I don’t think this technically counts as an advertisement cause he’s just asking for opinions on it and whether or not we think people would be interested in something like that. He’s nowhere near ready to sell yet and I don’t even think has a product to sell yet. Besides, he said he’d give a lot away for free. But we’ll see if anything actually comes of this or not. He doesn’t even have a patent yet.
Ok. Thanks. :)
I was calling it a rooster saver because the “no crow” collars are basically choke collars and are controversial. I’m trying to emphasize that it’s humane and in the rooster’s best interest too. I would be open to name suggestions! I want to enable people to have A rooster if they choose and to keep the accidental one that ends up in the flock. I would never recommend more than 1 rooster per 5-8 hens. Roosters can live together in a rooster flock on occasion, but I don’t see the point of that unless they get let out individually to breed or free range. In other words, if you hatch all your chicks from eggs like i do, even if they are quiet you will end up needing to do something with some of the roosters 😁
If you need a tester from Canada, I am in!!!
I do not have problems with the rooster's crowing, as I live in the country and most of my neighbors have roos as well. Once you have a test product, I would love to try it on my peafowl and guinea hens. Their calls echo through our valley and I have gotten both complaints and "polite observations about the volume of their interesting calls."
As folks pointed out here, the collars have mixed results and the manufacturer of the collar said that I should not try it on these birds. Curious to see if your design would work on other birds... if so, your market could increase exponentially
That is exciting! We love our accidental rooster & have been using a No Crow collar as a last resort but uncomfortable with it. If you would like a New England tester, I am sure Eddie, our 4 month old Australorp is all in~ Cockadoodle Do:) p.s my son would be happy to make videosof our rockstar rooster.

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