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  • Users: schmoo
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  1. schmoo

    West Michigan -year old pullets-must sell

    I'm looking to get $5.00 per chicken. I live 5 minutes south of Grant, (or) 20 minutes east of Muskegon (or) about 25 minutes NW of Grand Rapids. I hoped it would not come to this but sadly it has. I need to sell my 21 babies.......well not really babies, they are 1 year old and they lay like...
  2. schmoo

    I am SO relieved......

    Michigans job situation is terrible. I have been looking since August for one and nothing. I am a Dental Assistant and there have been no jobs in that field around here. I was so desperate I started to apply at places I didn't really want to like Home Depot, Pet-Co etc. Any job would have...
  3. schmoo

    What does love mean?

    What does Love mean? Touching words from the mouth of babes. What does Love mean? A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, "What does love mean?" The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think...
  4. schmoo

    Widows weekend

    Thats what they call this weekend up here. Opening day of rifile season today and all the DH's (and some DS and even some of the DW's) go up to deer camp. Deer season is SUCH a big deal here my sons school actually closes down for 2 days because so many teachers and students are hunters...
  5. schmoo

    Its been 2 months

    Since my chickens have been laying. How long does it usually take before the eggs are consistantly large in size? I have so many tiny ones and I really can't sell those.
  6. schmoo

    Question for experienced cooks

    I cook alot of foods but not alot of turkeys. Please help me with this turkey dilemma. Okay I have made turkey several times and my MOM who I love dearly, always taught me the same thing. Cover the whole pan tightly with tinfoil so NO air can escape, until the last 1/2 hour or so of cooking...
  7. schmoo

    This recipe is for the birds.....

    Literally Woodpeckers and nuthatches love it Homemade suet I make in the winter and the birds love it. I do it on the stovetop but you could do it in the melting in the microwave. Then just mix it with the rest of the ingredients in a bigger bowl. Melt a small jar peanut butter (creamy...
  8. schmoo

    why are my chickens so weird?

    sorry this is long......... We live in Michigan where the winters can be fierce. So my DH decided to double the coop for when its too cold and windy to go outside. It is in the basement of our barn, so he just had to add 2 walls to the existing coop. Anyways the "new" part of the coop has...
  9. schmoo

    Script errors

    Is anyone else getting alot of script errors since the board added PM's? I get one about every time I change pages. Is it just me? I have checked and unchecked the correct boxes in my internet connections spot. It's never happened on here or any other board before.
  10. schmoo

    Hot Browns

    ...1/3 cup plus 1 tbsp. butter separated 1 medium onion, chopped 1/3 cup flour 3 cups milk, heated 1 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper *optional* 4-6 oz American cheese 2 eggs well beaten 1 tbsp. butter (additional) 8 strips bacon 8 slices wheat bread toasted 2 chicken breasts cooked...
  11. schmoo

    Eggcellent costumes!
  12. schmoo

    MONSTER EGG! *new pics added*

    On the left a pullet egg, on the right the large size eggs I've been getting. In the middle THE MONSTER. Ouch that had to hurt. I wish I knew which one layed it. I'd kiss her.
  13. schmoo

    My poor son :UPDATE added

    He's 9 and yesterday he got attacked by our rooster that he loves. Nothing too bad (no real spurs yet) but he tried to bite him several times and chased him from the coop. I had asked him to go give the chickens some fresh cool water and he filled up a 2 liter to pour into the dish. Thanks...
  14. schmoo

    Really cool farm classifieds website

    It has everything. Chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, goats, horses etc. Also any equipment you may need. Once you choose what item you want to search you can pick a state and also do a zipcode search. Just thought I'd share.
  15. schmoo

    My poor baby

    Look at the size egg that came out of one of them. Sheesh no wonder they bawk so loud after THAT! They are just 19 weeks. The little eggs are what size they have been laying and the white one is a store bought large egg. Believe me I'm not complaining but OUCH that had to hurt. It's way...
  16. schmoo

    Look what I found.......

    Inside my 6th egg It was SO good too!
  17. schmoo

    Grit vs. Oyster shell what I saw today

    I was at TSC (tractor supply co.) for those that don't have them around and I was going to buy some grit. GUESS what the first ing. on the bag of adult chicken grit was........ OYSTER SHELL???!!! then a bunch of other stuff like granite etc. The oyster shell had just oyster shell. Now why...
  18. schmoo

    Egg laying question

    Wow it's nice to have an egg laying question for once. My girls just started laying on Friday, and I found another egg on Sunday Sorry about how long this is but I wanted to explain fully. Heres what happened. This morning I saw sunshine in the nest, no birds bugging her. Then I had to go...
  19. schmoo

    Is this normal?

    My Roo has just begun his "roo dance" with the ladies. I realized it was going to look grusome but whew I had no idea. Yesterday was the first time I saw it and I wasn't expecting it. I actually yelled "ROO get off her" As if I thought he would. I was on the other side of the fence so I...
  20. schmoo

    Look mom a REAL egg!

    WOO HOO it happened, my girls turned 18 weeks this past Tuesday and someone layed their first egg today! They are sex links so I assumed they would be ready anytime. I told them the other day I was'nt eating any more eggs until one of THEM layed one. It worked!! I looked out there at 3:00pm...
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