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  1. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    Hi guys, we bought a computer, so maybe I will be able to get on a little more often. To bring you up to date on what has been going on in my life........ We finally got Mike moved up here with us. He is still adjusting to life with a 2 year old. Since he never had kids, this has been a huge...
  2. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    I have a new phone, so am having some problems adjusting to it. I am soooooo many pages behind... BUT!! Someone gave me a Golden Feather! A million thanks to whomever the kind soul is!!!!!! ( I think I know who but not sure!!)
  3. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    Megan and I have been dieting, also. We have each lost about 10 pounds. Cutting out salt and sugar, by using lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. My foot does not hurt any more, my sinuses are working better, and I don't have the never ending craving to eat all of the time.
  4. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    Red, what day are you on????
  5. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    It is always disheartening when peeps don't hatch..... But I 100% agree on assisted hatches.
  6. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    My baby doves left today. They were not on the shelf tonight when Ryan and I checked for them. I hope the Moma dove is with them. It is cold tonight. No baby yaks, yet?
  7. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    Much better to look at! But, who is he?
  8. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    I must be getting old! He doesn't do a thing for me . . .
  9. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    There was no ice on roads, just on the cars!
  10. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    Twist's d@mn snow got here last night. It started out as rain then changed to rain and small snowballs. And this morning I got up and found an inch and 1/2 inch of any thing that can fall, frozen on my car!! I had to pour hot water on the door handle to get it to work. After the car ran on...
  11. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    This remark is directed to all the ladies in Granny's house....... You can chase after Sam Elliot all you want...... that leaves Tom Selleck just for me!!! Think I have watched Quigley Down Under at least 500 times!!!! I have to eat popcorn to keep from drooling......
  12. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    You didn't offend me at all. I knew you were joking. You would think after all these years, I could cultivate some tact. . . . .
  13. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    Granny I am not going to tear anyone a new one over something as farking stupid as their April Fools posts. They managed to p!ss off some people without me getting messed up in it all. There just are not words for that level of stupidity.
  14. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    I am pretty sure animal meds are made by the same companies that make human meds, same standards. I bet Kathy would know.
  15. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    Any seramas I could afford would be called junk Wishing nothing cures chicken yearnings but chickens But he was warm and soft
  16. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    ...of you know what...... And so are all of the site members that endorse it! On another note....... The meanest rooster I ever had in my life was a **** Sebrite! He would fly right up in my face. Or he would attack me from behind, hold on to my pants with his beak while he proceeded to beat...
  17. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    They will be flying in a day or two. Right after I took this picture he glided off of the porch out into the yard. But then he couldn't take off again. I caught him and put him back on the nest. He was warm and soft.
  18. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    Baby dove telling me to get away
  19. enola

    grannys gone and done it

    Show winning Serama from off the internet
  20. enola

    grannys gone and done it

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