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  • Users: Airilith
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Airilith

    Thought I lost a hen

    Well I went over this afternoon to spend a little time with my flock, as I won't be around tomorrow or Friday. When I got to the coop I realized that some of the girls had managed to fly the fence, which happens fairly often with the smaller, lighter pullets. No biggy. I had a bag of rice and...
  2. Airilith

    Roo Leg Problem - Please Help!!!

    Ok a couple of weeks ago I posted about Elmo's spur. He managed to rip it 3/4 of the way off his foot. Long story short, I decided to just remove it completely. It was wrapped for over a week before I let him go unwrapped. I had put neosporin (without pain meds) on it, and a bit of...
  3. Airilith

    Bumblefoot surgery turned into much more! And now Roo troubles! Gahh!

    My EE hen has what I believe to be early stages of bumblefoot. So I got all the things I would need from the store yesterday, with the plan of cleaning it up today. This morning I soaked her feet in epsom salt water for 15 minutes. In the process of getting her out of the tub I noticed that...
  4. Airilith

    Earliest Day You've Had an Egg Hatch

    As I'm nearing my Saturday hatch day, I've begun to wonder quite a few things. What's the earliest you've ever had an egg hatch (ex: Day 20)?
  5. Airilith

    Bump above eye

    Elmo, my RIR roo, has developed a bump above his eye. It's been there for about a month, and seems to not bother him. I don't think it's getting bigger, but if it is, it's doing it very, very slowly. It kinda seems like you might be able to pop it, but I'm kinda scared to try. My question is...
  6. Airilith

    Setting eggs Memorial Day Weekend! :) They're hatching!!!

    I just put 5 eggs ( 3 EE mutts, 1 BR mutt, and a silkie mutt) under my first broody. I'm sooooooo excited. I figured I'd see if anyone wanted to be hatch buddies Here's a video of her eagerly receiving her eggs today:
  7. Airilith

    My First Broody!!! (I think)

    Well I have a blue silkie hen, Chole, who just turned 28wks old yesterday. And I'm 90% sure she's broody. Last night when I closed up the coop she was in the nest box. I went over and petted her for a while. She didn't complain, just clucked quietly. This morning she was still in the nest...
  8. Airilith

    My Heat Management Trials

    Well we've been having unusually warm weather this year. We've already reached the 90s for three days since April. Crazy! So it's already got me thinking and trying a couple of heat management techniques. My first idea was large ziplocks bags of water, frozen, and placed in the run for them...
  9. Airilith

    Black Leghorn Chick Question

    I went to the feed store today, and they had black leghorn chicks for sale. THey had black backs, white bellies, and feathered legs. Feathered legs? Do leghorns really have feathered legs? Just wondering if anyone had any pictures of black leghorn chicks that I could compare them to. Thanks!
  10. Airilith

    My New Coop

    I've learned so much from y'all that I decided that I had to upgrade my coop, and perhaps add on to my flock. I went crazy indepth on my BYC page (click the link under my name). So I'm going to go for the lite version here. A sketch of what we wanted: Now presenting my New Coop: Close up...
  11. Airilith

    Egg Mystery - Too many!

    Ok BYC'ers, I've got a mystery on my hands. My first hen started 3/30. Star, my EE, starting laying beautiful bluish green eggs. She was a little off the first few days as I expected. But I got an egg a day from 4/3-4/5. So yesterday I went to check for eggs and found 2 soft shelled green...
  12. Airilith

    Heat Stress

    I have a few questions about heat stress. We've been having some incredibly warm temperatures for April. Today we're already at 88! It should be 60. I have two groups of chickens (six 21wk chicks, and ten 4 wk chicks). The younger ones seem to be doing better than the older ones. Only a...
  13. Airilith

    First Night Out (2nd Time Around)

    ...It's just those darn what-ifs. 'What if they're too lazy to get closer to the heat' is the big one right now. I've seen them play over there, so they know it's warmer. And they felt, sounded and looked fine a few minutes ago. *Sigh* The life of a chick mommy! Thanks for understanding...
  14. Airilith

    Homemade waterer help

    I've decided to make one of those bucket waterers that I've seen on here. But I'm apparently waterer challenged. I got my bucket (with air-tight lid; it's one of those icing buckets y'all recommended) and plastic planter dish. I drilled a hole (about 3/16 or 1/4 inch, not sure) on the side...
  15. Airilith

    Went to the feed store... (Pic Heavy)

    ... and came home with chicks!!! I got 2 barred rocks, 2 black sex links, and 2 red sex links (all pullets). I'm going back tomorrow (hopefully) for RIRs. Oh did you want pics? Haha! I had forgotten how sleepy they are at this age! Toooo cute!
  16. Airilith

    17 week old Silkie gender questions

    I have two silkies, and as I have no prior experience with them I need help sexing them. I'm thinking it's a boy and girl (and doubly hope so!!). I snapped some pics this afternoon, for the most recent representations. I'm thinking Chole's a girl based on the near lack of waddles, the very...
  17. Airilith

    TSC Fowl Play -- It's about us!!!

    I was playing around on the Tractor Supply website today. I was clicking through all of their chick information pages just to see what they said. The last page I clicked on was entitled "Fowl Play ." I figured it was something about letting chicks play with each other, or something. Boy was...
  18. Airilith

    I heard crowing!!!

    I heard my first crows this morning!!! I was so excited that I have to admit I've been crowing to the boys in hopes of figuring out who it is. The lil butthead only crows when I'm too far away to tell which roo's making the noise! And it's a good crow too. I know that sometimes when roosters...
  19. Airilith

    Southern States Store

    So I just found out that there is a Southern States store not too farm from me. I was wondering (A) if anyone has been to one, (B) if you liked it, and (C) if SS sells chicks. Thanks guys! PS - I might have to make the drive up there tomorrow. Just figured I'd see what y'all think
  20. Airilith

    Where to get a few ducks?

    For Christmas my 10 year-old cousin asked for a duck. She said she wanted one because cows and ducks are her favorite animals, and she didn't think that Santa could get a cow down the chimney. Too cute! Well Easter is around the corner and she is hoping that the duck she didn't get for...
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