What did you make from your garden today?

Not sure if anybody else does this, but it’s kinda fun, for us at least…

Feeling like not fully cooking, but have a crap ton of garden veggies, so we by a DiGiornos rising crust pizza. This evening it’s the Supreme since cheese was out of stock. Since neither of us like pepperoni on pizza, we remove that (save in freezer for a different application) and make room for garden stuff. Add extra diced green and red bells, drizzle crushed garlic smashed in olive oil, add parm (not from our garden, lol), diced fresh basil before serving. Pretty solid in our opinion!

Our other variation is picking up a cheese and adding feta, herbs, garlic evoo, jalapeños, and pineapple (don’t slaughter me - I know it’s controversial but we both love it. If either of us disagreed on the pineapple thing, our marriage would be over 😍)

We’ve also added occasionally chopped mushroom tossed with evoo and garlic chives from the garden - that’s a good mix!

Hahaha, These are our fun weekend nights!
A store bought box pizza isn't pizza unless it gets fixed up with extra toppings and cheese. I do that all the time, and just add what I have on hand. Favorites are onions, red bell peppers, maybe some shredded chicken meat. And more cheese.
Did some early morning gardening after coffee and found a red potato we missed. So for breakfast I made a sautee of the chopped potato and two chopped banana peppers also from the garden. Spash of salt and paprika. Then topped it off with a sunny side up egg (store bought, chicks just turned 20 wks and no breakfast nuggets just yet 😜).

Pretty tasty. Sautéed banana peps are actually very mild and quite nice. So far I’ve only made refrigerator pickles and stuffed, but this was a nice change.
My husband, who wouldn’t touch cabbage when we got married, is now ASKING for what I refer to as cabbage skillet (cabbage, zucchini, carrots, onions, garlic, and ground meat). Today I used ground lamb and added chopped Swiss chard stalks. Besides the chopping, it cooks quickly and only takes one pan.

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