What did you make from your garden today?

I have too many zucchinis and too many eggs, so I came up with this today. Thick slices of a big zucchini, seed cores removed, cooked a while in a skillet then filled with eggs, cooked until done.

Not bad, but would be better if the eggs were scrambled and mixed with sausage, onion, bell peppers and herbs. With cheese melted on top. Next time I'll make them fancier. LOL. This was a trial run...


Edited to add:

I just finished off more zucchini and eggs for supper: Scrambled eggs and chopped zucchini and yellow crookneck cooked in my trusty skillet.
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I still have some of the turnips I harvested weeks ago, they've been stored in the refrigerator. I sliced 3 or 4 thinly, put them in a microwave pot with some water, and added a few chunks from a crookneck squash that sat too long, was going soft. After ten minutes cooking on high I added some butter and salt...YUM.
I still have some of the turnips I harvested weeks ago, they've been stored in the refrigerator. I sliced 3 or 4 thinly, put them in a microwave pot with some water, and added a few chunks from a crookneck squash that sat too long, was going soft. After ten minutes cooking on high I added some butter and salt...YUM.
View attachment 3624768
Looks good! My problem is I have worms in my turnips, and it takes a while to trim them all out.
I would like your roasted tomato soup recipe if you’d care to share it.
Hi :frow
Of course
2lb tomatoes
6 cloves of garlic
2 red peppers
1 red chilli (optional)
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
4oz potato
Bunch of Basil

Slice tomatoes in half
Place on a baking tray cut side up. Scatter unpeeled garlic cloves onto tray.
Season with salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil.
Roast at 180•c for about an hour. After 40 mins add the 2 peepers. Once they have been roasting for the hour, at this point you can just slip the skins off tomatoes, peppers and garlic. Peel and dice potato and simmer (in 1/2 pint of water for 20 mins until soft. Then add everything into the blender (including water used to simmer potatoes) with a splash of balsamic vinegar.
Put through a sieve to remove any seeds. Place into a pan and warm up, whilst warming, bash up basil and add some olive oil to drizzle over the top of soup when serving. Let
me no if you try it plz, or if you make any adjustments to improve 👍

5 lbs San marzanos, tops removed, halved, seeds and tomato jelly removed
1 lb cherry tomatoes
Generous stems thyme, basil, oregano, a large meaty fresh stem of healthy tomato leaves
Pinch nutmeg, s&p
1/2 tsp better than bullion chicken flavor
Dash worcestershire sauce to taste

In a medium pot, medium high heat: about 3 tbsp evoo, all tomatoes, all herbs, salt and pepper and nutmeg. Simmer 30 minutes, until the stems have shed their leaves, cherry tomatoes have popped and skins have liberated their hosts. Add boullion and dash worcestershire. Cut the heat, pull big stems, and press spoonfuls through a sieve or food mill to remove seeds, leaves, and skins, discard for compost. Clean your pan and heat another 2tbsp olive oil.

1lb gr. Beef
1 large onion, diced
A few cloves minced/ mashed garlic
Dried Italian seasoning to taste

Over medium high: add onions, garlic, and beef season with a little salt and pepper, cook until onions are translucent and beef is cooked. Add a cup of tomato sauce and simmer until thick and fragrant. Add the rest of the tomato sauce, and more Dried herbs to taste. Simmer until desired consistency is reached; a good lasagna sauce will be thick enough to not slide to the bottom of the pan... that may mean simmering a half hour more.

Lasagna noodles, cooked drained
1Lb cheddar brick
1lb mozzarella brick
Cheese that sparks joy

Heat oven to 350. In a 9x13" glass pan, spray with cooking spray and layer: noodles, 1/3 sauce and some cheese shredded from the block, noodles, sauce and ricotta, noodles, sauce and cheese from the block, noodles, cheese from the block. Bake 35-40 minutes or until cheese is melted and edges have desired brownness.



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I have too many zucchinis and too many eggs, so I came up with this today. Thick slices of a big zucchini, seed cores removed, cooked a while in a skillet then filled with eggs, cooked until done.

Not bad, but would be better if the eggs were scrambled and mixed with sausage, onion, bell peppers and herbs. With cheese melted on top. Next time I'll make them fancier. LOL. This was a trial run...

View attachment 3622720

Edited to add:

I just finished off more zucchini and eggs for supper: Scrambled eggs and chopped zucchini and yellow crookneck cooked in my trusty skillet.
Sounds positively amazing. I believe my next zucchini dish/dinner will be more breakfast than dinner.
Hi :frow
Of course
2lb tomatoes
6 cloves of garlic
2 red peppers
1 red chilli (optional)
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
4oz potato
Bunch of Basil

Slice tomatoes in half
Place on a baking tray cut side up. Scatter unpeeled garlic cloves onto tray.
Season with salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil.
Roast at 180•c for about an hour. After 40 mins add the 2 peepers. Once they have been roasting for the hour, at this point you can just slip the skins off tomatoes, peppers and garlic. Peel and dice potato and simmer (in 1/2 pint of water for 20 mins until soft. Then add everything into the blender (including water used to simmer potatoes) with a splash of balsamic vinegar.
Put through a sieve to remove any seeds. Place into a pan and warm up, whilst warming, bash up basil and add some olive oil to drizzle over the top of soup when serving. Let
me no if you try it plz, or if you make any adjustments to improve 👍
I'm going to try this soup out. I love vegetables and soup especially when it's completely different.

5 lbs San marzanos, tops removed, halved, seeds and tomato jelly removed
1 lb cherry tomatoes
Generous stems thyme, basil, oregano, a large meaty fresh stem of healthy tomato leaves
Pinch nutmeg, s&p
1/2 tsp better than bullion chicken flavor
Dash worcestershire sauce to taste

In a medium pot, medium high heat: about 3 tbsp evoo, all tomatoes, all herbs, salt and pepper and nutmeg. Simmer 30 minutes, until the stems have shed their leaves, cherry tomatoes have popped and skins have liberated their hosts. Add boullion and dash worcestershire. Cut the heat, pull big stems, and press spoonfuls through a sieve or food mill to remove seeds, leaves, and skins, discard for compost. Clean your pan and heat another 2tbsp olive oil.

1lb gr. Beef
1 large onion, diced
A few cloves minced/ mashed garlic
Dried Italian seasoning to taste

Over medium high: add onions, garlic, and beef season with a little salt and pepper, cook until onions are translucent and beef is cooked. Add a cup of tomato sauce and simmer until thick and fragrant. Add the rest of the tomato sauce, and more Dried herbs to taste. Simmer until desired consistency is reached; a good lasagna sauce will be thick enough to not slide to the bottom of the pan... that may mean simmering a half hour more.

Lasagna noodles, cooked drained
1Lb cheddar brick
1lb mozzarella brick
Cheese that sparks joy

Heat oven to 350. In a 9x13" glass pan, spray with cooking spray and layer: noodles, 1/3 sauce and some cheese shredded from the block, noodles, sauce and ricotta, noodles, sauce and cheese from the block, noodles, cheese from the block. Bake 35-40 minutes or until cheese is melted and edges have desired brownness.

View attachment 3628005View attachment 3628006
Better recipe for lasagna AWESOME SAUCE. I'm a sucker for new recipes, especially from the garden.

5 lbs San marzanos, tops removed, halved, seeds and tomato jelly removed
1 lb cherry tomatoes
Generous stems thyme, basil, oregano, a large meaty fresh stem of healthy tomato leaves
Pinch nutmeg, s&p
1/2 tsp better than bullion chicken flavor
Dash worcestershire sauce to taste

In a medium pot, medium high heat: about 3 tbsp evoo, all tomatoes, all herbs, salt and pepper and nutmeg. Simmer 30 minutes, until the stems have shed their leaves, cherry tomatoes have popped and skins have liberated their hosts. Add boullion and dash worcestershire. Cut the heat, pull big stems, and press spoonfuls through a sieve or food mill to remove seeds, leaves, and skins, discard for compost. Clean your pan and heat another 2tbsp olive oil.

1lb gr. Beef
1 large onion, diced
A few cloves minced/ mashed garlic
Dried Italian seasoning to taste

Over medium high: add onions, garlic, and beef season with a little salt and pepper, cook until onions are translucent and beef is cooked. Add a cup of tomato sauce and simmer until thick and fragrant. Add the rest of the tomato sauce, and more Dried herbs to taste. Simmer until desired consistency is reached; a good lasagna sauce will be thick enough to not slide to the bottom of the pan... that may mean simmering a half hour more.

Lasagna noodles, cooked drained
1Lb cheddar brick
1lb mozzarella brick
Cheese that sparks joy

Heat oven to 350. In a 9x13" glass pan, spray with cooking spray and layer: noodles, 1/3 sauce and some cheese shredded from the block, noodles, sauce and ricotta, noodles, sauce and cheese from the block, noodles, cheese from the block. Bake 35-40 minutes or until cheese is melted and edges have desired brownness.

View attachment 3628005View attachment 3628006
I'm a sucker for new recipes especially when it's from the garden.

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