Recent content by Opa

  1. Opa

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Granny cherished the time spent with the many friends we made with this wonderful group and I am grateful for you prayers during this difficult time. She suffered a major stoke that paralyzed her left side and left her disoriented. Hopefully rehabilitation therapy will allow her to return...
  2. Opa

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    If anyone is in need of hand peeled cedar posts 8' long I still have quite a few from 4 to 6 inch. $7 each cell #517 404 4713
  3. Opa

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I'd love to see how your coop came out. While I haven't been on in quite awhile, Randy stopped by and told me that you had finished it so I will check in for the next several days.
  4. Opa

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    When I said I have cedar [posts for sale I wasn't kidding.
  5. Opa

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Beautiful daughter and congratulations on the hatchling. Before you know it you will have a flock.
  6. Opa

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I have missed being on BYC and the many people who became very dear to me. While being an "old rooster" does mean that a life time of experiences and knowledge is accrued, the down side is that you often must face the effects of all those years. Such was my case. While my stroke was...
  7. Opa

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Anyone need some 16' cow panels? I have 5 after taking down my garden fencing. New they are $20 each and if you take all 5 you can have them for $20. I also have over 200 new 8' long 4" to 6" cedar posts for $7 each.
  8. Opa

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    GONE glad someone could put it back in use
  9. Opa

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Kuhl 50# Range Feeder cost $90 Free Come a get it.
  10. Opa

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Tractor is free, I just want it gone
  11. Opa

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I'm in Howell
  12. Opa

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I built this tractor a few years ago to hold six bantams. Since I no longer have birds I've no need of it. Anyone who wants to come and get it can have it. It would fit in the back of a pickup truck but you need to bring help to load it as I am no longer able. My cell # 517 404 4713
  13. Opa

    New rollout nest design Picture heavy-edited 1/21

    Sorry that I haven't answer your question about nest pads sooner. Due to health issues I have given up raising chickens so I rarely am on BYC. The pads you indicated will work perfectly fine as the ramp provides enough downward roll.
  14. Opa

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Wasted food has always been a problem. However, you can reduce the loss by feeding pellets rather than mash. With pellets the birds will pick up each individual piece one at a time. With mash many birds will use a technique called billing. It is a side sweeping motion that is the bird's...
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