Recent content by robin416

  1. robin416

    Silkie Flock Dispersal

    Before I close this sale I needed to say something. If Holly is any thing like Jonathon and the crew he brought over here today then I can relax and know that they are in good hands. Thank you, both.
  2. robin416

    Silkie Flock Dispersal

    There are seven of the wire cages, three carriers, about 20 PVC feeders, about 6 of the chick feeders, there are a few black tub feeders and a GQF incubator. If I forgot to mention it before there are about ten live shipping boxes, some for two, some for four. There is a lot of bird related...
  3. robin416

    Silkie Flock Dispersal

    I have made the difficult decision to sell my Silkie Flock. The flock is predominately bearded whites, bearded paints, a couple of true blacks and darks from paint breeding. The is comprised of about 45 birds, most are adults and 8 juveniles. The sale will include waterers, feeders, cages...
  4. robin416

    Wante to Buy ?

    I just read that entire post, it does not address the missing "Wanted to Buy" subject.
  5. robin416

    A BYC CHANGE OVER REALITY. All need to read.

    One other thing that should be implemented is to stop all the posts that have nothing to do with the problem. So many of the posts looking for help are filled with the "I love the site" kind of stuff that its becoming a royal pita to find answers. Or implications of "I'm not having a problem, so...
  6. robin416

    A BYC CHANGE OVER REALITY. All need to read.

    Using it, Rob posted the link right after I said something in the bugs post. And its helped a ton. That link needs to be some place prominent so those having that issue can find it easily. Even post the topic and lock it to prevent posting to it.
  7. robin416

    A BYC CHANGE OVER REALITY. All need to read.

    Thing is, my computer is six years old so by any standard its ancient. My only issue has been the screen over brightness. So, it is not specifically age related. One of the things I've noticed too many times is that someone tried to relay what their issues are and before anyone can make...
  8. robin416

    buy sell auction area

    That's interesting, you've been a member since 2007, did have a listing for hatching eggs in November but now you're not able to? I would say this is another bug.
  9. robin416

    Silkie thread!

    To avoid forcing it on the peep and possibly having it get in the air way, mix the dose in some feed and make it a moist mash. That way its getting the drug, getting some fluids and is not stressed with forcing it to take the drug. Try doing it several times a day. Just mix the solution and each...
  10. robin416

    Silkie thread!

    I doubted that is was gape worm from the get go. Now from your description of where its housed and its age I can pretty much guarantee that it is not. Someone already stated it might very well be respiratory. You need to investigate what antibiotics are available to you that deals with...
  11. robin416

    The bright white hurts my eyes

    I've got mine set to almost the center. It keeps the brightness down so that its no longer difficult to read the forum and is not so obvious on other sites.
  12. robin416

    The bright white hurts my eyes

    The link for this download needs to be some place prominent for those that are experiencing the same issues with the brightness.
  13. robin416

    The bright white hurts my eyes

    Downloaded it also, not liking that it shades from darker to lighter towards the bottom of the screen. I did check a forum and topic to see if that helps and it does. Elevan, do you notice that the brightness is still trying like crazy to get out?
  14. robin416

    A BYC CHANGE OVER REALITY. All need to read.

    Cythina, part of it seems to be that there is no relief from all of the bright blue and bright white, nothing there to separate the two. I tried earlier in the breeds forum to find a topic that interested me, I find myself turning my head away trying not to look directly at the screen. The...
  15. robin416

    A BYC CHANGE OVER REALITY. All need to read.

    On the home page the problem is not as bad, partly because the topic headers are bolded and larger font. But the intensity of the blue bars or the width is creating such a contrast against the white background it is causing eye strain. On the topics page are headers bolded but a smaller font...
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