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  1. yoopergirl1211

    Treating a whole brooder for...something.

    Hi everyone. So I have a brooder with about 150 Bantam and random chicks in it. Well probably down to 100 now. My brooder is set up correctly, enough heat lamps, space, cool areas.... this is like my 25th batch in 2 years and after a rough learning period I've gotten pretty good at keeping...
  2. yoopergirl1211

    Turkey babies with hole under vent and worms

    I'm so grossed out I don't know what to do. I just had a turkey hatch out four babies. They are two days old and I just noticed two of them moving slowly. They have a round wound under vent just a circle with no blood or skin and its full of tiny worms or maggots. I'm guessing theres nothing...
  3. yoopergirl1211

    Strawmelon Jamlly!

    Im not sure if this is the right place to post this but I just started learning how to can and my kids and I made up this recipe and I need to share it somewhere! We had made watermelon jelly and strawberry jam and had leftover fruit so we figured we'd mix them to see what we got. It is...
  4. yoopergirl1211

    Weak leg issues

    Hi all. I have a 14 week old dark Brahma pullet that isnt walking much. I noticed two days ago that she wasn't tripping me up when it was treat time and had to go searching for her. I found her laying in the grass. She will stand and walk but her legs give up and she falls down. She's...
  5. yoopergirl1211

    Meat chick questions

    I'm raising meat chickens for the first time and have Cornish cross and grey rangers. Is it normal for their gullets to still be half full after a night with no food? They are three weeks old right now. Last night their gullets were so full I was kinda nervous so I took food out to see what...
  6. yoopergirl1211

    Can anyone help me with calf?

    Hi. I have a three week old Holstein boy that Didnt want his bottle this morning. Im freaking out a bit. His stomach is a little bloated but hes up and active otherwise healthy. He has starter pellets and water and we can see he ate pellets this morning. I lost one and don't want to loose...
  7. yoopergirl1211


    Hi! I know its pretty hard but I got some mystery chicks I'm hoping to identify. Thanks for your guesses! This is one. I need to get pics of the rest but this is the one I'm most curious about
  8. yoopergirl1211

    Help with swollen turkey face.

    Hey all. I'm new to turkeys and have a problem I'm not sure what to do with. I have a 7 week old Royal palm male? Turkey with a swollen side of his face under eye. the pictures are from this morning before and after cleaning him up. Here is all the info I have -Been swollen for about 8 to 10...
  9. yoopergirl1211


    Hi. I recently did wellness checks on all my birds and found 5 with what I thought was bumble foot. I didnt get a picture of the worst one but here are a few pics.but when I cut into them there is no puss or kernel. It just looks like this Am I doing something wrong or should I just leave...
  10. yoopergirl1211

    5 week old pullets for sale Erie PA

    Hi! I have Easter Eggers, Barred Rocks, and Welsumer chicks ready to leave home in Erie PA. Hand raised, healthy, and free ranging already. They love goats lol. Also have a few Muscovy ducklings left. Brown, blue, white with black faces, white. Some are barred. Message me for info!
  11. yoopergirl1211

    Anyone with experience draining water belly

    Sorry for posting about her in another thread but I think she has water belly. I understand that I may have to cull her but Id like to try draining first but I could really use a dumbed down step by step instruction for it. Ive only recently had to give goats injections and never poked a...
  12. yoopergirl1211

    Chicken limping and stumbling

    ...really rainy and I have a mom and 9 ducklings that have taken over a corner of coop so its a little damper then I'd like. Here are some pics *so after bath I checked her feet but they look normal. I also checked to see if she was egg bound. If she was I'd feel it right? I mean it...
  13. yoopergirl1211

    Treat whole brooder for wry neck?

    Hey guys I believe I have a couple chicks with wry neck. I have everything I need and will start treating now but should I treat everyone in brooder? Is there a way to tell who might have it before they neck gets bad? Everyone is 1 to 2 weeks old many different breeds as well as turkeys.
  14. yoopergirl1211

    Help with rooster breed

    Hi! Anyone know what breed this guy is?
  15. yoopergirl1211

    Chick won't use legs

    Hi! I have a one week old EE that won't use feet. I'm worried I have to cull her. They arrived fine. Got crumbles first two days. Then son accidentally gave them adult food for two days and I lost like 8 chicks. Took away food, massaged hard gullets, gave oil and grit. Separate this EE...
  16. yoopergirl1211

    Impacted crop?

    Hey everyone. So I had about 60 chicks that are a week old today. They started on medicated crumble and were doing well. Then Sat night my hubby was out of town and I had to work basically from then till Monday night so kids were feeding everyone. My son accidentally gave the babies my...
  17. yoopergirl1211

    Looking for blue or black silkie chicks

    Hi! Im trying to find some blue or black silkie chicks. I'm in NW Pennsylvania.
  18. yoopergirl1211

    Is this normal!?!

    I have two dark Cornish chicks about 6 weeks old free ranging for about a week and a half and just noticed they both have these big lumps. Im assuming its a crop thing but I have about 10 other breeds running around with them and they are the only ones with it. Is it normal for them?
  19. yoopergirl1211

    Emergency incubator for abandoned eggs!

    Hey guys! Can anyone actually tell me how to assemble an emergency incubator? My banty left three eggs in nest and took off with babies. One already has beak out but has been like that for 5 hours, one has internally pipped l, and one is iffy. Right now I am trying to get them warm again. I...
  20. yoopergirl1211

    Good broody duck/chicken thread?

    Can anyone point me to a good thread on broodies? Ive got like 9 right now, all have some eggs, ducks and chickens in a bunch of different stages and places and I'm really feeling out of my depth. I thought I had a Muscovy hatching Tue but still nothing even though it's like day 39 but the...
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